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°iIT~`tJT <br />T'%C,GZ.11.,H,[1 lil1.`~.Y, l!~'lllli!i i~i.L.t`+TT1Jlr <br />1'ii'i ~~, ~_!~R3 <br />'?nlii~ G <br /> <br />1 <br />Ceuncilr:emberti Larson and CieY'nia <br />Cit~.zens Develcp;r;ent Cor~~littee ~:n <br />1.n eS.C%; CO13r3C:' l.'E.'~;ib ~'i'' S per SGna.~_ <br />de??elax;;. ~."tiC ev,Cii liG~.$nCi~7"!£'%".~e <br />~J ~_ <br />both indicated they i:ad r~et with the CTTiZETdS <br />T°;ey c?., 19f33, e Cor-srlittec i s interested CUi~•IiTTr~:~ <br />rtoacticns tc the Ls,YpenteuY;~Sr~cliirg <br />r i.;,: ~'. he z_ndiv~ dually- contacted. <br />~~1a~"G? VYar'eiE'n ~'.8rt i~1G~1 ed, tieCOt'idCd. b'y COLlr1C1.~ ri1£'li:bE-'I" ~hL S tv^ViC~I, t~'tat'i v~.r.' Se <br />and Associates be h~_red as .w e T'lannex' for -~.,he , area. <br />liCttl"rCilt"eYi:ber lii?8S'tGViCi2 askew if mE',1;:~)Cr5 of the CitiZera'S ('iO:TlTtittCB Z`%eI'C' <br />present durirt~; the i ntervieVri.r~g of p:!-enners~ s.rld was advised that sole <br />members :•.ere i.n attendance. Counc~.r:ember Ciernia felt that sinco tree <br />City dGes rat o7an ar.~;% of the property other t' the ? i quoi° store, that <br />the City shoal:' a~.r; the de~relopment to assure it is ccnsistent wit% the <br />CompY'eriensive Plan, w?°lich, ?_n %?'.S Opini Gn, r~'.tti Y'eS H, dS.f'~'E?Y'Cr'xt t~,rpe Of <br />firrrl ti2at ~.xi?6 l'r•'tG.7e Pix~r., TrSi: iC~'' 'c.S d'!_rf'.C'u$d .-;ore ~:.c~~aards arChitf;C+.itlre. <br />lie felt, fro: that respect, the Dai-ilbren ris•t*t i~ad ror°e c~orience ~,nd <br />.yore expertise it the area that ~.s applicable to the City~~=; needs. Council- <br />:et-;ber Eggert ~.grc~ed that both preseratat-?_cns .ere food btzt that the <br />DahlgrerY r ~-rm, probabl;;•, does more of tine '_tird of ~:er'~ that the City troulc? <br />be expect~.rtg -- 1:,Gre planrY?nL ~.nd to a lesser e.~;tent architecture. T•aycr <br />Warken,~.ctz also agY'eed that the Lahlgren firm is reliable 'out felt that the <br />Close ~ it n ~ao~.ld be gore ~:r.:enable to accepting ar~d imp~.omentir~ suggestions <br />froNl the CitizeY:'s Committee. Dina Stetrlwedel, stat~:d her husband attended <br />the inter~~i ev; meetings and fait the L'ai~lgr~;n fiY2r, was :rose open r~:~nded and <br />~•<illing to accept suggestions because tree Close: i~'izx: is :Wore architeotura?ly <br />?r~i*:ded. Coutloi?...mer„i:nr pelt both pla..rers :tiould ~.ork ~~_th the <br />Car~l:sittee. C~;uncilmet~,bez• Larson cotru~lented th~~.t rile firms approached the <br />problem dif~"ere:.tly, the Close i'i rm addrossi tt;, T„he entire area, not jLtst <br />t12e northeast c~uadra.nt. Upon a vcte being taken, the followitlg voted in <br />favor thereof : T°iayor l~darkentien and Ccur?cilmem'aer Larsen, and the follot•.~rlg <br />voted against the same: CouncilmerrYbers Ciernia and P,ggert. Ccttncilmember <br />Chestovich a?~stained due to the fact that she Tr~c.s net in attendance at the <br />inteY~;iews. T•Totion defeated. <br />Councilrlember Eggert moved, 4corded by Counc;_1.member Ciernia, that <br />Hot~rara Dahlgrera and Assoc_ates be hired as the P7_anner far the Larpenteurf <br />Snelling area. U^on a vote bei ng taken, the ~cllowit~sg voted in fever <br />thereof: T~u:.yor ti~rark..entien, Councilrriem'~ers r:~;gert, Larson e.nd Ciernia, and <br />tare foli.o.:ing 44oted against the same: Trone. Councilmember Chestovich <br />abstained. Tiot:i.on carried. <br />T~iarcel. Richter, 2132 r olwell, reported on the Universit~r Grove park,~r <br />situat~~on and suggested .~clutiorYS. Gounc~~_Itnember i,arson reviet~ed the <br />St. An~~otiy Park parking permits, hotaever, ;-r. T~ichter indicated the <br />residents do not T-;ant yearlP par?~ing permits. After a discussion, the <br />Clerk Administrator Vas directed to meet with a representative of the <br />Uni.versi~cy Grove Parking Cor~aittee and Captain Spencer of rho Sheri ff ~ s <br />Departrrlent to ~~:oi"k out a,n amicable solution. <br />T~Tayor '~~arkentien referred to a letter dated April 22, 1983 from Carl <br />Dale, Planning Consu tent, regarding the zoning of the remainder of <br />the riot*kins Estr;.te. Cotzrzcilmember Cierni <~_ reported that the Planninti <br />Coanmission fez-t that a prudent '4oyitzg far the fire acres would ~>e 3-l <br />zoning with the provisions of Section 1~..5 of the current zoning <br />ordinance app?_y~_ng. 3oth Ccunc~_Imembers Ciernia and Larson felt the <br />Plar?.al.rlg Com~tlission's dec~_siot; .should be :supported brr Co-tzncil. <br />rT:a n"~ <br />~1~~~TTJu ~~r• <br />PLr:Tuv~:~ ~ Cn <br />LnF~PEY~;TEUR/ <br />J1J {L.ui:ZT1G <br />ATE <br />DI~CUSS:r~T: <br />FTUT~JAc%D DAi~L - <br />GT~td cu. Aa:~UC . <br />HT `irjD TC 'rdUiu; <br />UTJ LtiFti,P ETuTEliri, <br />ST1ELLZI~G <br />DP,~TE.i:{JPT'i~;i~ T <br />GFtU''TE P~~~?~IT~G <br />DI SCUSS;D <br />r7 P:t,,,, „r <br />ilsae a 1sI lY i:+ <br />ZUTITTJG <br />DzscussLD <br />