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<br />Chest~?v~_ch tnoTy~ed, seconded by Counci~~nefnber Larsot~t, that the muter
<br />be x•eferred ~tc:t tI-ie ~1~.,ini.rlS VY~17 is~~?_on fry' cons,..dex°zt~.c:1. °otion carried
<br />unanimously.
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<br />Councilme.r~:,~ex° CierrL~.a presented the av ?_b, 1983 lettex fror, Cax°? IJale, CAi:L DALr,
<br />Planning Consultant, regarding his proposal for fa_na1 completion of the TO ASSIST
<br />new zonir~ ordi ranee and its cost. After a d~scuss~_on on whether -;r VYlTti CCI:~u LEl-
<br />not d~.plics.t~_.~,*~ cou'd b~ eliminated on the co=rputarJZ•rord processor, ION OF
<br />Councilrnerrber Gierrxi•^. tno~*~d, se-,corded by Counci7_me~r~er Larson that Carl Dale SOSrldC
<br />be authorized }Vo corp?.etc the ne~~ zoning ordinance at a cost not to exceed Oi~LTi?iVA1VCtr
<br />~l,bOS.OC.
<br />~ngine.er Schuricht explained his March 28, 1983 letter concerii;.t~:g :cater- ti~AT:~c3i~;:t~
<br />shed alannirt~; after reviewir~ the proposed bo~zndar3.es for the irartsey PL6,~idIiy
<br />County wa~`:,ersheds. It was his recommendat~..on that the City' participate
<br />~_n a joint powers agreement to form 6vatersl.ed I~anagement t;rga.t~ais:ations
<br />for `ti?e ~i~^reG' "~atf'r8i7E'f.S. X~C,er ~. t1_"i0~^013,~`,}'i d~SC1iS5?.:~n O~:`. ~i1t~ I.12'Id~S7o••
<br />rnezlt, Counciltr;enber Ciernia moved, seconded b,;- Cour~ci7~~:er,?oer Larson, that
<br />~:ngineer Schunicht be authorized to pursue ~~aa~tershed planning bar way
<br />of a joint po~•<ers agrcernent and to consult =~_th the C-~ ty Attorney=.
<br />IYlotion carried una:Zi:~nously.
<br />Counciw~ternaer Larson moved, :seconded b3T Mayor ~rarkentietz, that the City :TALL I,.rrI~TAL
<br />adopt the hal?_ rental fee schedule as proposed by the staff. 1°iotion ~'~S
<br />carried unanimously. Go~t.ncilrr~ember Ciernia moved, seconded by Counci:!_- r,STAELISIiF;I7
<br />me.~rber Larson, that the Clerk Admi ni strator be authorized to obtai~tz prices
<br />for dishes (banriuet service j and silver°,aare. Motion carried unarjil~no~~:.sly.
<br />Councilmet~ber Ciernia recort;;,ended trat the Clerk ndr::inistrator cots.+..act
<br />the Is~a,sa_nt1;~s ~~a.nager of the Itosevillc Schoo' ;i stri.v~ t to o'ota i n inform-
<br />ation as to what is needed ~..tz terms of a lease for the ~`alcon Heights
<br />srhool land. Aftara discussion, Councilme~~~ber Ciernia moved, seconded
<br />by Mayor ~~arkentiei~, that tle Clerk Administrator be directed to contact
<br />Paul Borg regarding a lease for t':e land. Motion carried unani:rousl~r.
<br />Councilmember ChestovicIi inquired v;hether or not the parti cipat:ion
<br />~~azver for th~~ s?ar^ser recreation progratr: should be continued. Un
<br />advice frotr, the Attorney, it wad decided to continue use of the
<br />waiver.
<br />Council3ret~tber C3.6rni:z recommended that the mobile horde control in-
<br />for;nation be presented to the Planni ng Com~r~ission and that Carl
<br />Late be contacted regarding the matter to assure that the City is
<br />legally covered under .the net, Loring ordinance.
<br />Council noted the Prosecutorts charges for. the months of ~~arch and
<br />april were Noted.
<br />Attorney Jan de I3orlih 7~~as directed to research ordinances x°e;ulating
<br />the .~tora~;e of boats, trailers and utility vehicles.
<br />Councilm~ber .S~;ger-t requested the Clertic Acu°~inistrator cont?ct I~oa~^thern
<br />States Power aril ast~ -tat they fill in the holes in the stx•eets :.here
<br />they have dug ap for uti'_ity work. Ile stressed that the holes in the
<br />Northome area s~.ould be filled before the sealcoating takes place.
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