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3074 <br />1 <br />1 <br />lannirr~ Commission Black moiaed that I~layor ir,'arkentien's appointment of James <br />T'lernb2r i'.`•a'~iTtmerit - I. LalrIImi:rS 16 '~ Haa:~llne AVenuf , aS 3 memb~.r Off the <br />James 1. Lammers: Faicor~ heights Pla.nnin~; ^,crnmission, to serve the unexpi:rt~d <br />teal of Gale ~. Libby who has moved from the Village, be <br />apprcved. Eakl~znd seca_~~ed and the rr~atian ca:r.°i.ed. <br />Vii,: e ~zepar`,r:,: Lcklu:~ A .~e<4:~ Fire Deport No. 17. <br />Sheriff f' s ~~.epart : Fcklund read the Sherwff s ~teport for T•Iay. <br /> : Lcklund moved that the folloYYing bi11s be paid: <br />Falcon: iTeights Sta~t~; Sank -First i~~,.lf' -July - FG:T-: 136.70 <br />Commissioner of Taxation '' ~ ~ Y~H 77.60 <br />State 'Treasurer - '~ _ P~;Zr~ 89.08 <br />First half - Ju1tT -Soc. Sec. 12~.j0 <br />~:I~a_cG-; Constructs or. Cc~l:~pany -Complete payment 7, 071.:-t3 <br />(Levision of Visage Office) <br />Bonestroo, ~tosene, Anderlik & Assocs. - la24.29 <br />(April t~ngit~~;%C°ir1~7 inclu.:~.c~; affi ce revis=_o~~ 'percentage) <br />isamsey Cou:it`~ i:~easurer - I~ay street lighting anti <br />maintenance) 74.1' <br />Board of ~•3ater Commissioners -use of ;~~ater from hyd. 16.73 <br />°:`<~.1ter~ S. Booth %~ .:ion - License:; 4.95 <br />iarner iTardware - LaT,,m mower 99 , g y <br />:~.obinson-King Floors, Inc., -Office carpeting 1, 016.00 <br />(including 3 chair pads-plastic) <br />F. H. _~ire Dept. telief Assn. - PP reimbursement <br />(1st half ,3-19-71) 38.00 <br />I•ielady Paper Company - 'TT and paper towels i6,2G <br />i1t'1 r^ix e I'r•otectian assn. - 1~~v0 Fire Door s;ic_rers 9.1G <br />Sup Ne°wspapers- Ord. ;dill - :'1dv. for Sealcoat Bias 258.6G <br />and Fublishec Financial StateT~ment) <br />.per?t~l Lcluipnerrt Cor.,pany -Power sod cutter <br />(F, 4; , playground) 12.00 <br />:atelli.te Industries, Inc . - Dela_ver•y & June rental <br />(F. ir. pa~Tgraund) 30.27 <br />Hillcrest Electric Cor..par~y - La.oor ~c material for <br />tirme clocr: repair) 248.1_t <br />~ddr•essograph ~.ultigraph - i°Iachine ribbon repair 12.15 <br />Al=_-State isposal - iefuse rJickup- July thru Sept. ; .OG <br />A B Dick Products Company -Copy :machine repair ~• <br />500 legal si~:e paper) 3q.3~ <br />Lowry Central Boi•riers Supply Cor;pany - <br />( & engravir~; - %. ?,. Olsen) 21.00 <br />Minnesota Hospital Service Assn. - 7-1- 10-1-71 172.,6 <br />(G. Delges - ii. warn} <br />~~.ich ' s iuto ~tU.diator• ;~e;^vic e -Tractor gas tank 9.50 <br />Allied Supply Company -Valve ~c shoti~~er head - F. Dept . 7.70 <br />Strandruist ;service, Inc. - M~aint. t~~uc'_•: gasoline & <br />May ~: June. repairs 14;.67 <br />Northern States Power Company -June <br />streets - Y:ali -rec. 741.83 <br />