<br />3096
<br />ir; i,ero~~ ~~?°1 C~u~ i e;ling is that L,r~ «nt,~;d ari e~:tensi.on i:Ione «t our'
<br />~~•t ?utu,;~n end but oppositian for~~id this. Iii s does us rio good at
<br />a:~=i and L'ae do Lcant t're depression in front of ou-r House
<br />i'~e~_sed so there L•ril7. be better dr.t.iria.~e. de L:ron' ~, le axle
<br />to ~ et out of our drivel'. ~~.y a ter the; snoL~~ .
<br />COUTiCilT',l~in ._:C~~.ilind vOUriC:illYan ~,Cii~unCi 1nd1C.tEd :,hat thi :~ SL~id.1.e L.'111. ''CIE,'
<br />c.iec:ti:d phis fall fog. consideration.
<br />... .cClee~~r ::here lr.~s th•o Line dra.~n anc I ti13_nk ~~lral~l~:r' Ctreet should
<br />w , :.~atul,~:n h a: _ I C;c;rr 1nC.iudE.'.C,t.
<br />~I1t1nE:CY' LE',1"ib~i'~; yn~iTlE:er LEiItlE:r;,; 1n1.0YTIE?d 11i: that t~].i:i Lt=iS :3nSt•7E#€;C~ _Lri
<br />ansl~<;%' tO ._.. IlaY'C. .. <'L.E;iv1On.
<br />i~1:i11 .+li. ren I L%rT., ;iat.,lSi 1eCi 1~.'li;h ~`tlF: pY'O~ F,C t <. S 1 t L,"' S ('O
<br />r.. i IlE: F:.nCt a]Ti
<br />On.1,.`' ilEr e Ol' 1nfO.T'I'la%i Ori.
<br />iacv:i :iSCES;iiEin~~, ~l.CK ,'OV'eCl the adop~l.on Of tYIE', i'Oi.OV21T'~'; r~CSOiuviOn:
<br />~CO1. ~ ido1J`v LaTi -
<br />LL?eso'ution 71-6. ~; ~~;~Gitl~`IC;~i3 r•?ir~~y`l'l'vl.r 'i~:+ ~~a~u5:~1'iiiv`i'`ii.C)'LI, i~~
<br />~?1:~ 11Vit11`~ rii.:li 1J.I V 1 vLl;~.'.~i 6 il.l]JLa%r~ ,(_E7y-,L
<br />knEir'~,&.S, plir'su.d.nt tO 11O~.iCe dlli~r g1Ven as rE:C~t.13iEiC: by ~.~tS7,
<br />z.+ Tr. ,
<br />l:n'=: ~~_1 ~_age council ha.s met, heard anu passed upon alai.
<br />objectialls to t;ie pi?oposed assessl.ient for trle I1or',,hL•Iest
<br />:irk:. ~~orr~~ :.et.'er IreprcvemLnt of 19b9-1, `nd has amended
<br />such proposer a.sses;~li~~nt, <._,., i;; deE:t-is just;
<br />,IO~~ ihi~t~rO , ~~. Ii .~~~iLV~D by the Lliii ale Coun.:i_
<br />of tiiE: villa~r~of r~.laon rieigilts, I~~irsresota. as folloL-s.
<br />.l. ;:,'1101 prOpO:it'.t:i a~SE;SSIViE:ri,, a. COp~' Of Y?h1..h 15 a.t-
<br />tRl:tle:., iiE;reta ==>nci i~;:C?E3 a O-lr~~ hereof It IlEreby 3CCE:ptUd a.nd
<br />£~1~»Z..i: i;Ori~~ltli~r: tilEi SprClFil SSGSSIT;cil'G a~&1nSt the ~andS
<br />n'.IYtCCY therein, arse eacix t:Y,:.CJ Of 1~:nd v'1c:I'EiiI] 1.S IiEi'8'Dy
<br />~CUnd 10 b(: btT1E:L1.tteC 't1~ i.?1; pY'apOSed lrilprGVe,'~ic:n%.
<br /> ... ucil asse:SSrtent silai.l be pa~'abie in e~yac 1 arlYlual.
<br /> _Tis t~~.::i_r;~.ent.~ extEndin~ oveY' a period of 1C ~ E;ar~, rile f=. •t
<br /> O.L jc.'_G iTi6i,Eii.7t:n~i tObE' L~ti~y«bl8 LCi tI1 `inE';r,-^,+_.L. i.~:.liE::i O1
<br /> tle - ~::=ir 197, , coll~_-ctible Leith sues tal:~ss during the ye<lr
<br /> 1y72. Io rile fiY'.`_-:t insta,i.lT;lerst there; sh~;_ii ile ac'tded inter-
<br /> est ~ t tide ra-,E: cf eight pe-r•cent (~;~) per a.nnuri on the crtirF.
<br /> ass: ,~ ~~•lert ?°o.rt the date of this rc}solutions until i~ecerrlber
<br /> 3i, 197 io each sliUSecyuent installment, whon due, therE;
<br /> shall. be added interest :Foy ol.t ;fear at said rate on a.ll
<br /> unpaid ~ns~~.limeni;s. vo interest sI^iai.:i ue charged .f the
<br /> enrE: assessr.?ent on an;~ property assessed hfxein is paid
<br /> Oar thF: OV."riE:2' tiler f:Of Sd1ihln }~ ~ uc^.,~'S f'?rC'iT[i the date r'ie~^EO~ y
<br /> and such property oL~-nE:r may at any time pri ar to I~Tov~tber
<br /> =„ of any year' pay to the Ccunty reusY"aer the erstii'e
<br /> ;x:;ount of the ~ ~,~;esSnterlc• rerlaining ~_ae Leith interest accrued
<br /> to ~ece;^>'oer ~l of the yesr in L~rilich said payment is r::^:ade.
<br />