<br />T '1 7r1 '+'-f --~. C1' T ~
<br />t°lav `i~';~ Oi' i.y,GUi,i~i. GOiTiv~lla i~e.'.,i,1.LIYC:
<br />i'i.LGOiV H<~IGH'iS, i~IAI:V~:~OT:~
<br />_~
<br />CCTOB~tt ~:~, i97i
<br />`('}1e regal?i' i~ieet7_n~ 11<;,S C~x.ied 't0 U~'dei' at i~:VC~ t~.}~. kltki t}'ie fOi.:l_UleTln£; IiicLi~i::rS
<br />preSell'~: `~~~'"U;: ~~Y'KC-rltlen, l;UUnC:iiT~erl 571 Ck, t,C':{iixrld, vVOr'ii~ wnd TCiylO%'. n~SU
<br />r, ,
<br />a 7
<br />iJx'E;ubnL Tit?'r; v~.~l""-::wi~ln_~,u_,?,uUr t~ ~,.neS, ~:,nE;lneer LC~,i~Br~, ...nQ _.tt0_ne~ ..,Q~dUl_L.
<br />111n12'i.es: le0ixr'iCi.Lman .~tQri< m0`JeC? tk12.C, tk'iC; i~iinll;ES Uf the TneetiTlg
<br />of CeJoo~r __i_~, i~7 be app~'oved as corx'ec~ed. Councilman
<br />ic'.'{lund seconded and the _riotiol: carried.
<br />,~
<br />rlayor '~°~arkentien moved t;ha':; the 1"ainu;,es o.f a. speci~:.l
<br />T~lfetln~; Of ~L:l.it,USt ~~ , l~ i i Le approved. CUixnC7.1T?l~ll }:~C.{iilnd
<br />SPCOnded and thB I'lotlOrl Ca:'x'iF.:d.
<br /> 11-'.r"lance il~.eSU[~T"itteC. i.Ul,.11C1.LmC<,Yl Bi;':iCi{ mOVeC tklat t.1G Z,r%irl:inCe ~ppliCatlOn sllb-
<br /> t0 ..~in2~111~; vCTPiITil:>SlUr'i ml.t'i.eCi by k-}8.r1'y Olson, 7J. 6 .:es~ La ~:n~eu,^
<br />?3 '~ rp" ~ avenue, be
<br /> fo_» Consi~eration - denied. as recorrxnended by the P~anninl~ Corn~i~issian. sifter
<br /> 11*3u Zest ~axpenteur: discussion, Councilrrian Blwck ~;ithdrel~ his motion. Councii-
<br /> :^'i~,n L?lack moved th t tkze va?~ir;.nc:o ;zpplication ue re-sui~-
<br /> mittr-d' to the P~.~annir~ Comra~_ssioll foz' reconsideration.
<br /> Gouncilm<<n Ta;;~lo.r secarlted any, the motion carried. 'r-_r.
<br /> and -irs. Olson ~vere present and also other interested
<br /> citizens attended and related their viewpoint. I'r. and
<br /> T~:rs. Phil Cherlol~etkl, i~a2r~ pest Larpenteur Atrenue, and i~r.
<br /> and Mrs. Jerry I•eyer, 13~i ~r.`est California 9venue, all
<br /> approved. of t}"ie repl~.ced fence.
<br />:~i~~uor Study i~ierbers of tale -iobertr". ~c'.~ex7nann ~~ rssociates, Inc.,
<br />iLe'~Ur-i; : :~rChitF.~CtS, h?ei e pros erl~, at the meP.tln~; t0 SUbmit and
<br />discuss th:; co,,t analysis study of the proposed off-sale
<br />L:~alli~ipr:.i ii_quor store fog' 'r'alcon ieights.
<br />tiecreation Site: Darx°y Bieck{stall of the University of k~innesota presented an
<br />analysis of sevel•a-i. x•ecrea.tion site proposals. Counciirnan
<br />Black _~roved that the +Till::ge Attorney be directed to drarti
<br />upan agreement to be eXecuted ny I~ayor y~tarkentien in 'oekla)_f
<br />of tke ilillage for said tract of land for park purposes.
<br />Tract 3 as ;proposeCl on ?~Xillbit `'A'' is on file In the Cierk-
<br />Admini st.rato_r's office. ~"~ayor ~','arkentien seconded and t'rle
<br />motion carded.
<br />Council k-ieeting
<br />Time Change
<br />,-. r~ }
<br />~lovembe_~ ~~ .
<br />k•eeting Date
<br />Change:
<br />Councilman Taylor I"iOVeCI that bek;innin;v V:ith T3ovember ll,
<br />19' i, the regular meetings will be held at (: j0 D.i~.
<br />Councilman r,ckJ_und seconded and the motion carried.
<br />Councilman Stone moved that inasmuch as ilovelnber 7th is
<br />Thankstiving D~,u, the regu:Lar meeting shall be held on
<br />i}ovember ~xi, 197i . Coancilrnan Taylor seconded and the
<br />motion carried.
<br />