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~~~ 51 <br />that this Hart of the street may be within the City of <br />St. Paul. <br />Councilwoman Stocker moved, seconded by Councilman Black, APPOIAITNIEI`IT TO THE HUMArI <br />to appoint Mr. Eugene Steele, 1776 Arona Avenue, to the RIGHTS COMNiISSIOrd <br />Falcon Heights Human Rights Commission, his term to ex- <br />pire December 31, 1975. Motion carried. <br />Councilman Black introduced the following Resolution arrl FINAL PA7~+?EIJT TO <br />moved its adoption: HUNT ELECTRIC <br />RESOLUTION 73-18 <br />A RESOLUTIOI`d AUTHORIZING THE FIT.~IAL PAYNIE"]T OF $310.00 <br />TO BE MADE TO HUT.1T ELECTRIC CORPORATIOIT FOR WORK DOP•IE ON <br />THE FALCOT~d HEIGITTS MAII~ITEI1AIdCE GARAGE ADDITION <br /> 1`iayor Warkentien seconded the foregoing Resolution and <br /> upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in <br /> favor thereof: Mayor Warkentien, Councilmen Black and <br /> Stone, and Councilwoman Stocker, and the following voted <br /> against the same: ?None. Motion carried. <br /> Mayor Warkentien moved, seconded by Councilman Black, to CLERK+ADI?fIT1ISTRATOR~S <br /> approve a $50.00 monthly raise for Clerk-Administrator SALARY <br /> Barnes, effective July 1, 1973. TUTotion carried. <br /> ?Mayor Warkentien moved, seconded by Councilman Black, RAMSEY COTT^dTY TRAIL <br /> that Councilman Ecklund be appointed as a delegate to <br />the Ramsey County Trail Commission, in order to coor- COP~TISSIOPT APPOI"T'IT'fEI~?T <br /> dinate a county wide system of trails. Motion carried. <br /> Fire report number 23 was noted. FIRE REPORT <br /> Councilman Ecklund requested that Clerk-Administrator PAINTIATG THE FLOORS IP1 <br /> Barnes check the fire department's budget to see if THE FIRE HALL <br /> they have enough money to paint the floor in the fire <br /> hall. <br /> Attorney Kenefick reported that if the Council decides COP~'IIJTTITY PARK BOI~TDS <br /> to use bonds to finance the new community park, a ref- <br /> erendum would have to be held. <br />Councilman Ecklund moved, seconded by Councilwoman Stocker, GENERAL PAYROLL <br />to approve the general payroll for the second half of <br />June, 1973, in the amount of $2iL~5o,~0~ Lotion carried. <br />Councilman Black moved, seconded by Councilwoman Stocker, GE'TERAL DISBURSEME?~1TS <br />to approve the general disbursements for the second half <br />of June, 1973, in the amount of $17,600.69. 1~Iotion carried. <br />Mayor Warkentien moved, seconded by Councilman Black, SINKIITG FUrIDS <br />to app rove the sinking funds for the second half of June, <br />1973, in the amount of $3,919.75. Motion carried. <br />Councilman Black moved, seconded by Mayor Warkentien, LIQTJOFl.PAYROLL <br />to approve the liquor payroll for the second half of <br />June, 1973, in the amount of $1,288.69. Motion carried. <br />