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City Council Meeting Minutes
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7/13/2009 3:41:29 PM
Creation date
6/22/2009 3:12:38 PM
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Gage De- is. Gage asked if the Council had reached a decision about ~~ 3 <br />velop_ment his proposed. development. The Planning Commission's letter <br />of April 24th was read, vrherein they recommended that a pro- <br />fessional planner 1-e called in to develop an over-a11 plan <br />for ~:he unplatted portion of the village; that a properly <br />engineered determination of street levels and storm and sanitary <br />sewer layouts should be made; that a neigr.borhood type of play- <br />ground or recreational area approximately 200' x 300' be provided <br />either by the developer, the property ovmers, or by the village <br />before any further development is approved. A basis for series <br />development should be studied; a stipules±ion that set-back and <br />lot levels be approved by the Village engineer or Council; a <br />means of access be made from Tatum St• to the playground area, <br />the minimtun a ~. to 6' wa11_~vay; the final plap to be subject to <br />recom^~endation and review by the Planning Commission. The <br />Planning Commission also specified that the follovring condi- <br />tions should be considered in the overall planning for the <br />area: Determination should 'e made of tha+ point in the de- <br />velopment of this area at vrhich an access road from Larpenteur <br />should be required. Investigations should be undertaken to <br />determine if the university of i.?innesota vrould be willing to <br />release property for an access road to the west. At the Larpen- <br />teur Avenue end of the development, consideration should be given <br />to business zoning or residence district C zoning as a suffer <br />zone between_ Larpenteur and t.,his residence property. The Planning <br />Commission emphasized +„hat no more piecemeal planning should be <br />permi+.ted in the Village. ~~Zayor Nilsen advised that :fir. Gresham, <br />Ljungren, :'r. Hawkins and he drove over the Hawkins Property and <br />looked over the site and discussed the development vri+„h him. <br />dilsen feels Hawkins would be villinT to consider an overall elan <br />for the area :nzt he doesn't ~~rant to t>e bound by anything because <br />he intends to continue in the nursery business. Pegarding play- <br />ground area, ,:'r. Gage advisee that vVhile his property cost <br />'4,500.00 an acre, `"rs. Julia Lindig, 1870 Roselawn, has arnrox- <br />ima±ely 3-3,~l~ acres right bark of her home that she :would be <br />-~ailling to sell at the present time for X2,300.00 an acre. <br />There is no access to this land but he feels sure the Village <br />could. make arrange:~~ents for an easement. He understar_ds that <br />Art Lindig also has some property he would be lrfilling to sell. <br />i3oi,h these nieces of property are in the area specified by the <br />petit ion. for a playground area. In view of the .zany problems, <br />Ltecht said he thou,,,ht we should call in a professional <br />planner. ~';arkentien ::aid ±he Village should plat everything <br />available to '.{eep the Lniversit~.* of I~Rin-~esota from taking it <br />over. it vas moved by ?'ar'~ent.en ^r;d seconded bar Shavor that <br />'..'az,or Nilsen be authorized to contact Tar. ~~onestroo and. find out,, <br />vrhat the cost of a planni_r1g survey from rairvietiw to -~.he university <br />Property, Larpenteur to Roselawn, and Larpenteur from Snelling <br />west, would be and what he could do. T:.otion unanimously carried. <br />Play- 'rs. ;;,undstrom prese:~ted the ':-ill age Council with a. Playground <br />Ground. Survey prepared by members of the League of 'y";omen Voters. <br />Sewer Attorney Graham advised that the sewer rental increase eras <br />rental. passed by th° St. Paul City Council Tuesday, the 22nd. It krill <br />be published Saturday, the 2-:5th. <br />
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