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1529 Iowa; Richard Ahmann, 15lt0 Iowa and George Kilgore, ~~.`~3 <br />1l~9t~ Idaho. <br />FALCON HEIGHTS SCHOOL: Lewis J. Rustad, 1723 Hamline; Chairman; <br />Andrei L. Keller, 1852 No. Pascal; L. V, Riley, 18l~7 No. Pascal; <br />and tNesley Schmidt, 1907 Pascal. Seconded by Uteeht and unanimously <br />carried. <br />Hearing on RESOLUTION FOR HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT: <br />Assessments <br />for the WHEREAS, By Resolution Passed by the Council on December 18th, 1958, <br />Improvement the Village Clerk was asked to prepare a proposed assessment of the <br />of Alleys cost of the improvement of the following alleyss <br />Alley - Block 7, Cables Hemline Heights (Alley between Iowan Hoyt <br />from Pascal to Albert) <br /> Alley - Block 8, Cables Hemline Heights (Alley in block bounded <br /> by Albert, Iowa, Hemline and Hoyt) <br /> Alley - Block 12, Northome 3rd Addition (Alley Sound by Aronay <br /> California, Pascal and Idaho) <br /> AND 1~HEREAS the Clerk has notified the Council that such proposed <br /> assessment has been completed and filed in his off ice for Public <br /> Inspection, noar Therefore Be It Pesolved by the Village Councils <br /> 1. A Hearing shall be held on the 29th day of January, 1959, in <br /> the Village Hall at 8 P. M. to pass upon such proposed assessment' <br /> and at such time and place all persons owning property affected <br /> by such improvements will be given an opportunity to be heard with <br /> reference to such assessment <br /> 2. The Village Clerk is hereby directed to cause a notice of the <br /> hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the <br /> official newspaper at 1 east two weeks prior to the hearing and he <br /> shall state in the notice the total cost of the improvement <br /> Adoption of the above resolution was moved by Nilseni seconded by <br /> Shavor and unanimously carried. <br />Special Nilsen moved that the Council set a special meeting for 7 P. M. <br />Meeting January 29th, 1959. Seconded by Shavor and unanimously carried. <br />Police Don Arndt, Public Safety Commissioners reported: Columbia Heights <br />Manual give their Police six paid holidays. New Brighton have none at <br /> present, but are negotiating for six. Fridley grants six. Anoka, <br /> six. Our Night Policeman would prefer time off rather than extra <br /> pay for working holidays. Riley received X951.00 in fines in <br /> December; Hindermann, !E4lt2.00, making a total of X1393.00. Hindermann <br /> is leaving for a three month period in the arlr~r and will return about <br /> April 10th. Arndt has a Police Manual which he will bring in for <br /> inspection. Arndt thinks we should adopt the whole State Code <br /> <br />Requisition regarding Traffic Offences. It was suggested we investigate. <br />Utecht moved the approval of Requisition #155 coverin <br />li <br />ht b <br />lb <br /> g <br />g <br />u <br />s, <br />#155 Fire etc. for the Fire Department. Seconded by Coppini and unanimously <br />Dept, carried. <br />r <br />