<br />RFG'7_AR M~~"PING - TT.?F?DAY, P~4AY 31, 1949
<br />Presen±.:
<br />I~,mn iu`attesor., Fresidert
<br />rTeor~c Shs.vor, Tr~.zstee
<br />Art Iindig, Trustee
<br />John Rysgaard, Trustee
<br />;. R. Rowley, Dehuty Clerk
<br />Ralph Var. coven, Treasurer
<br />Frank Iran Win, Attorney
<br />The meeti.n~~ was called to order by President. ~":atteson at 7:30 p.m.
<br />Bills Deputy Clerk Rowley presented the followir,.e; bills:
<br />Lyrn Matteson, '~F4 0
<br />!'reore;e Shavor, ~56.Oc
<br />4rt Lindig, ~55.OC
<br />Clyde Stewart, ~9C .OC
<br />Van Froven, 4t;~ .00
<br />Rowley, X15.00
<br />Geo .Swanson., '250 .QO
<br />Geo . 3warson., L1sC of car X50.00
<br />Miller 'Davis Co ., 1 minute book, '~~ .5C
<br />Brigs, Iilbert, uyle services to Apr. 3C, '202.50
<br />Albrecht Printing Co. letterheads, ~12.5G
<br />St. Faul P~iercury Indemnity, Treas. Bond, X54.25
<br />St. Paul Stamp 'dorke, 1 pocket seal, "~7.C0
<br />Clyde Stewart, '2.10
<br />Tolson ~ Co. 5GC co dies of b allots, ~1~.35
<br />Tolson 8 Co. 1000 co tier of ballots for sr.ecial r.lec.~11.0^
<br />I-'enry Dacht,era, Air. 26, '1.60
<br />Verna C. Gregg, 5 hours, "3.60
<br />'~thel F. `rJhite, 6 hours, "~3.6~
<br />Flel.en i~. Read, b hours, '~3.6C
<br />Verna C. Grepg, Apr. 12,101 hours, X6.00
<br />Ethel F. ',dhite " 10 hours, ~6.c0
<br />Clara V. 'Sterner " 10 hours ~6.OG
<br />Henry ~; . ')achtera 5-l hours ~2 .~
<br />County o f Ramsey, ~3C .00
<br />County of P.amse~r, April lighting, X34.50
<br />3t . Paul Fire Dept . Apri 1 8 May, '400.00
<br />Henry Anderson, Fire ~el;t. sur> .lies, '8.80.
<br />Moved by R,ys~-aard, seconded by Shavor, thpt bills be paid.
<br />Motion carried.
<br />Bids for fire station The co~zncil then prcceeded to oven tee bids for the ecnstruc-
<br />and village hall tion of afire station and village hall. Architect Bu-tow was
<br />pr-sent. Following bide were received:
<br />^teneral. ^ontractors
<br />Fridholm Constr~zcton ~37,988.OC
<br />Steenberg Constr~zc . Co . 3F,000 .
<br />Alternate face brick 3,125
<br />Total inclu;~i ng p1umY~ing, heatin;~~, el.ec . 45,120 .00
<br />Dean. ',ditcher 33,890
<br />Alternate race brick 2,495
<br />~" slab driveway 795 37,180.00
<br />J . S. Sweitzer ~ Sons 32,853. '
<br />Alternate. face brick 3,95'> . 36,816 .CG
<br />1
<br />1
<br />