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2 ~t 4 <br />Bills: McClain & Hedman Co., stationery, $3.50 <br /> Walter S. Booth & Son, 6 license forms,. 24¢ <br /> Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., Mi 5050, 7-1-51, X13.45 <br /> Dwight Reichow, fees, permits 153 thru 163, $72.14 <br /> Northwest Publications, Inc., legal weed notice, pro rata share,~5.00 <br /> George jwanaon, extra time, June 11 and 13, 1951, $30.00 <br /> " " " " July 14 and 16, 1951, $30.00 <br /> R.A.Myers 8c Co., 2 brooms & scouring powder, $6.20 <br /> Baden's Pure Oil Service, gasoline, 6-12-51, $2.48 <br /> Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., NA 5200, 7-10-51, $9G~05 <br /> Halprin Supply Co., freight charges & parcel poet, $18.06 <br /> On motion by Rekstad, seconded by Shavor, the bills were ordered paid. <br />University Attorney Graham spoke regarding letter of May 25, 1951, from Mr. <br />Lease - Middlebrook with respect to the University Lease matter. Also on <br />University letter regarding the University Grove East garbage situation, <br />Grove East signed by Trustee Lindig and addressed to Mr. Frank Pearce, Director <br />garbage of Housing, University of Minnesota. <br />Playground Rekstad reported lowest figure he had secured on saving 1,600 yards <br />Improvement of dirt was $470.00, or about 30d a yard. When ready for sodding, <br />he will Dell for volunteers to take care of this part of the Sob. <br />It was agreed that Rekstad should notify the Mayor when ready to go <br />ahead with the work so that asp eci al meeting may be cal led to <br />authorize same. <br />Tatum Jerry Roeh, 1791 Tatum, and a large number of other property owners <br />residents on Tatum Street, appeared before the Council to protest a reported <br />protest request to move end old St Paul house onto s lot in their area. <br />Building Inspector Reichow reported receiving a phone call concern- <br />ing su ch a request, but stated no formal application for permit had <br />been made as yet. After full discussion, it was agreed that Build- <br />ing Inspector Reichow would suggest to the owner of the old house in <br />question that the matter be discussed with Mr. Roch and other Tatum <br />Street property owners before making application for permit. <br />1Needs A.J. Stru ck, 1805 Tatum, inquired as to bettering control of weeds <br />in his neighborhood and was referred to ~1eed Commissioner Postema. <br />Street light Request was also made for a street light in the Tatum area, and <br />after discussion, was referred to Street Commissioner Seaborn. <br />Building Building Inspector Reichow presented request Prom D.A. Nelson <br />permit Construction, Inc., for a double dwelling to be located on the <br />~- of Lot 13 and all oP Lot 14, in Block 9, Falcon Heights Addition. <br />On motion by Rekstad, seconded by Shavor, it was voted unanimously <br />to grant said permit. <br />Fire Dept. Chief Swanson reported that as authorized the order for two laundry <br />tubs had been placed. <br />1 <br />1 <br />Gordon Nelson Letter was read from Fire Chief Swnnaon, reporting that at a regular <br />elected to meeting of the Falcon Heights Firemen's Association, July 17, 1951, <br />Fire Dept. it was voted to have Gordon Nelson sot as representative of the <br />Committee volunteer firemen on the Fire Dep artment Committee. <br />