<br />~., f~ .
<br />i-resent: d. L. Henry, Mayor
<br />George J. Shavor, Trustee
<br />Arthur A. Lindig, Trustee
<br />Clarence Rekstad, Trustee
<br />Clyde J. Stetivart, Clerk
<br />P,alph Van Hoven, Treasurer
<br />Frank ~;. Graham, Attorney
<br />Pvieeting called to .order at 7:45 P.M. Minutes of RePular Meeting,
<br />November 11, 1952, and of Special Tuieeting, November 15, 1952, were heard and
<br />approved as read.
<br />P.O. Bldg. Iver b. Johnson, Contractor, 2900 Randolph N. E., i~inneapolis,
<br />permit presented plans for a new branch post office building, 40 ft.
<br />wide and 75 ft. long, estimated to cost X24,000.00, to be
<br />erected for N. L. Hermes on Lot 8, the Cross Roads Addition,
<br />to be known as 1713 Snelling Avenue North. After discussion,
<br />Shavor moved, seconded by henry, that the building inspector
<br />be authorized to issue the necessary permit. Motion carried
<br />unanimously.
<br />Bills: On motion by Henry, seconded by Lindig, the following bills
<br />were ordered paid:
<br />Dwight N. Reichow, fees,building permits 273 thru 283, Y~91.80
<br />Brig~;s,Gilbert,I~iorton,Kyle ~C ~acartney, legal services
<br />to 10-31-52, X102.00
<br />Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., Ne 5200, 11-10-52, v~11.20
<br />S. Berglund Lumber Co. , repair door ,y .H. oc Fire Sta. , v~9.50
<br />Ramsey ~o. Treasurer, Street work, 9-26-52 to 10-25-52,197.54
<br />Milner ifs. Carley, balance due, engineering services,
<br />7-alley improvement, X345.76
<br />Iowa Ave. west The Iowa Avenue west of Arona improvement was discussed with
<br />of Arona impvt. respect to letter of October 31, 1952, received from 12oland
<br />K. Yrilson, of Elk River. Rekstad then moved that Attorney
<br />Graham be authorized to advise Mr. ~lilson that the Cou ncil has
<br />agreed to accept the X1,225.00 as payment in full~for the
<br />improvement of Iowa west of Arona. Seconded by Lindy(and carried
<br />unanimously. Uu
<br />Scarletir..a Scarletina placard at 1800 North Albert was reported removed on
<br />November 18, 1952, by Health Officer Lindig.
<br />Board of Health Proposed Board of health ordinance was ordered deferred for
<br />and Nuisance ft~urther study. The proposed Nuisance ordinance was read section
<br />ordinances proposed by section. Attorney Graham will have the proposed ordinance
<br />re-written to include corrections as noted.
<br />Oil Burner, The clerk reported on needed repairs and servicing of the
<br />Village Hall & Village Hall and Fire Station oil burner. After discussion,
<br />Fire Station Lindig moved that the clerk be authorized to order the oil
<br />burner serviced once each year, preferably during the late
<br />summer. Seco nded by Rekstad aril carried unanimously.
<br />Rorrgard Xmas Application to operate a Christmas tree lot on the southeast
<br />tree lot license corner of Larpenteur and Snelling Avmmues from November 25 to
<br />December 31, 1952, together with check for X10.00 from Raymond S.
<br />