'i 33
<br />
<br />Bills (Cont~d) American Linen Supply, linen service, Oct., X11.63
<br /> Gen. Trading Co., 1 axe handle, 93!
<br /> " " " pliers, snips &.file, X5.61
<br /> Falcon Hts. Hardxare, supplies, F. D., to 10-20, $7.70
<br /> Lincoln Laboratories,Inc., 2 cans Hexathricin, X15.15
<br /> R.A. I~{yers & Co., 10 lbs aa~aonaram & 1 gal a~uonia, 963.l~5
<br /> Thorne Coal & Oil, fuel oil bal., Oct. 2, X49.03
<br /> Nor. States Paver Co., elec. serve VH&FS, 12-12, $17.85
<br /> " " " " water heater elec., 96293
<br /> " " " " VH apt elec., $3.72
<br /> " " " " street lighting, Nov. 12,.9693.33
<br /> Milner ~. Carley & Associates, engring to 10-22 & street map,$501.75
<br />Sanitary Seger Letter of November 7, 1956, from Toltz, King,Duva11, Anderson &
<br />Engineers Report Associates, reporting that they have studied the proposed
<br />~. - sanitary sewer system for the Village and that the proposed
<br /> improvement is feasible, and could best be made as shown on
<br /> a draxi.ng attached to their letter, the drawing marked Exhibit A.
<br /> Estimated cost of constructing the sanitary sewer xas estimated
<br /> at approximately X775,000.00, including the X88,000.00 required
<br /> to be paid the City of St Paul and cost of the metering
<br /> station required by City Ordinance No. 10829, granting Falcon
<br /> Heights permission to connect its sewer system to St Paul's
<br /> sewer system and restoring streets to present conditions.
<br /> Our engineers' letter also stated more detailed plans and cost
<br /> fignrea xere being prepared and these xould be .available about
<br /> November 20, 195b.
<br />Tank Truck - Fire Chief Grumke~s letter of November 5, 1956, xas read
<br />'
<br />Fire Dept. relative to areas, of the Village not aervice~
<br />by xater mains
<br /> and his proposal to secure a used tank trultk (19lt2) to
<br /> service these areas. Mr. Grumke irted on inspection of
<br /> the truck by himself and3other members of the Department,
<br /> that they xere agreed it xas a good truck for the purpose,
<br /> atxl that it might be secured thru the Pure Oil Compar~r for
<br /> X1.00 and other consideration. The letter also pointed out
<br /> that if the truck is secured it xould have to be converted
<br /> to a fire truck by inatallat ion of red lights, siren, portable
<br /> pump, etc. After discussion, Utecht moved that the Fire
<br /> Chief be authorized to secure the truck for 9~i.oo and other
<br /> consideration as per the Pure Oil Company~s offer. Seconded
<br />
<br />II by Cartxright and motion carried unanimously. The Fire
<br />I Chief xas aaloed to determine and report on xhat total cost
<br />
<br />~ xould be for converting the truck into a tank truck suitable
<br />II for Fire Department purposes.
<br />Saar removal The queat3on of accumulation of snow along streets, such
<br /> as in front of the Bl.omber Store due to rkin of
<br />8 , pa g cars
<br /> xas discussed. Placing of 'No Parking' signs at such times
<br /> xas considered. Trustee Nilsen xas asked to check on costs
<br /> of such signs.
<br />
<br />
<br />