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the New Urbanism and its hollow imita- <br />tions will, over time, result in the conclu- <br />sion that its promises of social, economic, <br />and environmental benefits have been false. <br />• The movement may then be seen as just <br />another fad." <br />In her introductory remarks at the con- <br />ference, Plater-Zyberk threw down the <br />gauntlet: "We must move from the mar- <br />gins,. as objects of media curiosity, to a <br />more central role in reforming urban life. <br />This ambition must be played out on <br />three: battlefields." <br />The New Urbanism already has em- <br />barked on. the first two battles-to do with <br />academia and practice. The third struggle, <br />which concerns polity and has just begun, <br />will determine the ultimate success or fail- <br />ure of the movement <br />How will the Congress for the New Ur- <br />banism fight these battles to reform the de- <br />velopment of America's cities and suburbs <br />in its vision? <br />Through organization, unity, and hard <br />work, say its organizers. "You have been in- <br />vitedhere not so much to learn but because <br />you have something to teach," Duany told <br />the CNU audience. <br />In the morning sessions, participanu <br />attended lectures covering the history of <br />suburban development, identified many of <br />today's important development issues, <br />discussed the need for a common termi- <br />nology, and sought to establish standards <br />for the New Urbanism's planning and <br />development. <br />]n the afternoons, architects and plan- <br />ners presented their current work so that <br />participants could both critique and learn <br />from such diverse urban projects as the <br />Santa Monica Civic Center and South <br />Miami's downtown redevelopment plan. <br />(See illustrations on preceding pages.) <br />Future conferences, commented archi- <br />teaBoris Dramov of ROMA Design Group <br />in San Francisco, should explore how the <br />New Urbanism's principles can retrofit exist- <br />ing city and suburban communities, particu- <br />larly on infill sites like former industrial ar- <br />eas, railyards, and military bases. <br />Indeed, many conference speaker, in- <br />cluding Duany, stressed the importance of <br />developing the CNU's implementation <br />strategies-for example, rewriting the codes <br />that affect all development and area prereq- <br />uisite for the success of the CNU's agenda, <br />or working with lenders who say go or po- <br />go to proposed projects. <br />The next three conferences will give par- <br />ticipants the opportunity to discuss ideas <br />and projects in greater detail and forge these <br />implementation strategies. <br />"The future conferences also will try to <br />create alliances to advance our cause," says <br />Calthorpe. "Think of what we can accom- <br />plish if we work together with environmen- <br />talists, historic preservationists, residents of <br />center cities, even residents of older suburbs <br />that are experiencing the same decline that <br />center cities did a generation ago. With <br />such abroad-based alliance, the CNU can <br />really make profound changes for the better <br />in America's metropolitan development" <br />Note: The Congress for the New Urbaairnr <br />will bold its second meeting May 20-23 in Los <br />Angeles: The CNUll it titled "T'be Building; the <br />Blocly acrd the Street, "and n will focztt primarily <br />on center city pla~trring artd development iuues. At <br />present, membasbip is the Congress for the New <br />Urbanism and attendance at its conferences are by <br />imtitation only. -Charles Lockwood <br />Charles Lockwood is the author of seven books <br />about American architecture and cities. <br />12 Urban Land • Febtztary 1994 <br />