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UNIVERSI i Y OF ti11NNESOTA <br />September 19, 1989 <br />Ks. Janet R. Wiessner <br />City of Falcon Heights• <br />2077 W. Larpenteur Avenue <br />St. Paul, ?L*t 5~1I3 <br />Re: University Grove and Grove cast <br />Dear Hs. Wiessner: <br />Re31 ~sfate Office <br />335 Morrill Hall <br />100 Church Street S.E. <br />Minneapolis, Minnesota ~~455 <br />(612; 625-5345 <br />Cs~,:_~j- v ~~ I <br />~P <br />• 21 <br />Pursuant to our recent telephone confe_ence, I enclose a map of University <br />Grove and Grove East. The University vculd like to sell t:~e highlighted lot <br />identified as "C" along with tae portion of Lot D adjacent thereto, and north <br />of Folveli Street as currently constructed, for development of a single-family <br />home. To sell tae portion of Lot D north of FoIveIl St_aet (as currently <br />constructed), tae University`s easement to the City of ralcon Heights covering <br />the streets in tae Grove and Grove East would have to be anended. Would that <br />portion of the st-eet also need to be vacated by the City Council? Ghat would <br />be the City's position. with respect to this sale transaction? <br />The second item ve discussed is identified as "B" on the attached map (Lot 7 <br /> <br />Block 2, Auditors <br />Subdivisi <br />on 90 ). I have <br />been advised that when Au , <br />ditor's <br />Subdivision 90 vas platted, the University and the City of Falcon Heights <br />agreed that Lot 7 would not be developed. I assume the City wanted to ensure <br />the Iar3er common area in B lock 2 (Lot 14) would remain accessible to the <br />public. Zf this is the case, would the City vans to purchase Lots 7 and I4? <br />As Z explained aver the phone, we are considering sale of alI of tae Iots in <br />University Grove and Grove East in order to allow us to discontinue tae program <br />vherebv the University provides the mortgage financing for the occupying <br />faculty. To do so, we believe ve would be required to remove t:~e restriction <br />that these properties be sold only to University faculty. A resulting <br />consequence would be discontinuing the maintenance we now provide to the common <br />areas, etc. <br />You indicated during our phone conversation you had some concerns with the <br />coon areas in the middle of tae 3 blocks in University Grove along Hoyt <br />Avenue should tae University sell tae surrounding lots (and, presumably, <br />therewi.a as undivided percentage of tae common area). All too often, you <br />advised, subsequent owners forge*_ thei_ maintenance responsibilities or plant a <br />garden on Land intended to remain as a parY_ You suggested that perhaps these <br />bloc:ts should be re-platted to enlarge tie sites of t?~e surrounding lots and <br />eliminate the con on areas. Please give me your thoughts with respect to this <br />matter as veil. <br />:~ <br /> <br />