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<br />• <br />q , ia,:dsca_ i r:g, Fences and Retai nine Walls <br />E.;isti ng trees {exce t those within foundation limits) <br />must be preserved. Regrading or construction work shall <br />not be done in such a manner as to damage or expose <br />tree roots or i.-npair tree life. <br />No Lawn slope s::all be greater t`~an three feet horizontal <br />to one foot vertical and low retaining walls shall be <br />cor_structed along lot lines if necessary to obtain <br />sui table adjust-nent of finished grades. <br />Fences and landscaping features such as heavily planted <br />areas and garden walls will not be permitted without <br />the approval of the Grove Committee. (This does not <br />refer to the usual foundation planting. } <br />S. Driveways <br />The lessee shall furnisz a suitable concrete driveway <br />and curbing bet:~een the extended curb line and the <br />si•~ewalk. This driveway shall be at least five inches <br />thick and all sidewalk and curbincs affected shall be <br />suita~ly replaced. <br />• <br />6 . I:nprove.*nents to Existing Structures <br />I_nprove:ner_ts to the physical structure of existing <br />residences cn which the original new construction con- <br />tracts have bee.^. completed are permitted ztnd will be <br />considered and programmed as new construction. Such <br />i~-nprovements will not be approved unless a minimum of <br />eighteen months have elapsed since the original construction <br />was declared completed by the Grove Committee and unless <br />the proposed improve_nents, when completed, will not <br />cause the total valuation to exceed the $46,500 maximum <br />limit (see Section III-B-1 for valuation procedures.) <br />B. SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE <br />The University will provide the initial installation of <br />the sidewalk and curbing around each block and the initial <br />grading and oiling of streets. Generally, however, side- <br />walks and curbing will not be installed in a block until at <br />least one-half of t~±e houses have been, built. <br />• <br /> normal SerTiCeS, S~:C:1 aS Street maintenance,. <br />1? ght? ng, garbage and refuse C:,llect' on are provided by t:7e <br />University and/er the Village of Falcon Heights, bot:z reserving <br />the right to c 1ai_Tn reimbursement , <br />Fire protection is provided by the St. Paul and Falcon Heights <br />Fire Depart'r:ents, Police protection is provided by the Sheriff's <br />office, Ra-nsey County. <br />s <br />