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AP~"prr` ~. <br />• <br />i~:a'"=Gi1A~ REGI~_~~, CR-_~~-A rOr~ c'~ 1~Ur'"Oci <br />The gL•2li ty Cf Sie.^_'_f1CanC° in Ameri C2n 1?1StOr~T, arChlteCture, a*'ChaeO?Ogjj, <br />eng~r_eering, and Clll~ure 1S present In d?StreCtS, Sites, bu_Idinos, <br />structures, ar_d objects that possess inleorily of lOCat'On, design, setting, <br />materials, *.ror'.{manship, feeling, and associatior_ and <br />(a) tal ar° 2SSOCialeQ w_th eveP_lS that have made a SimiflCant <br />COntr?D11L10n l0 the broad patterns of our history or <br />(b),~ teat are associated with the lives of persons significant in our <br />past or . <br />(c) that embody the dislincti-re characteristics of a type, period, or <br />method Gf construction, or trial represent the werk cf a master, or <br />distinguishable entity whose components may Lack .individual distinction or <br />(~) t.^_3t rlav° y=gilded, Or m2y be 1 i l_Ciy t0 qi °Id, inI'Ormatlor_ imDOrtanl <br />in prehistory or history. <br />CRI'I'~'~~3 CO[JSIDEc'?AT_IOi~S. Qrdinarily cemeteries, birthplaces, or graves <br />of historical f'gures, properties cwned by religious institutions or used for <br />r°Iigi0u3 pll.^pCSeS, 9lruCtur°9 that hav° been moved from their oreginai <br />locaticns, r°const: scted historic bui? di.^.gs, proDerties pr:mari' y <br />Commemorative in ratnre, and prcpert~es twat have achieved significance within <br />the past 50 !ears shall net be cor.sed°red elio_bia for the ~~alicnal Register. <br />ficwever, such proDerties will auali,r i° trey are intzgral Darts of districts <br />• that do meet the Criteria or i' tne,r fall '~-ta_n the following Categories: <br />(a) A re_~g_ous properly de__•r~n~ pri.:,ary s~oa~ficarce from <br />arC:lit~Ct:lr?I Cr arlist~C d.St'_nCt_OP. Cr h=s;,or.Cal imDCrlanCe Or <br />(b) A bueldi~g or slrncture removed from its original locstion but <br />which i s sion_ icant pri~:ari.y for arc::^.i~ect;:ral value, or which i s the <br />sur-~iving stractur~ most imecrtantly asscciated with a historic person or <br />event or <br />(c) A birthplace or grave of a h~sloricai fiour~ of outstanding <br />importance i° the:~s is no appropriate site or building directly associated <br />with his productive life. <br />(d) A cemetery which derives its primary significance from graves of <br />persons of trans Condon! importance, from age, from distencti•re design <br />faatsrss, or frcm association with historic events cr <br />(e) A reconstr^SCted building trhen accurately executed in a suitable <br />env_ronment and pr°se:~ted in a dignified manner as Dart of a restoration <br />master plan, and when no other building or structure with the same association <br />has sur•reved or <br />(f) A property primarily commemorateve in intent i_' design, age, <br />trad_tion or symD01_C value has invested it weth its own e:~ceptional <br />significance or <br />(o) A property ac::ieveng signi="_csnce :~rethin t:~e past ~0 years if it is <br />of e:~ceptional importance. <br />~?i IInesot3 Sr?4 <br />Januar~r 1982 <br />L <br />