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City of Falcon Heights <br />MEMORANDUM <br /> <br />To: Members of the Planning Commission <br />CC: Heather Worthington, City Administrator; Peter Lindstrom, Council Liaison <br />From: Deb Jones, Staff Liaison <br />Subject: Zoning Code Review <br />Date: September 19, 2003 <br />The City Administrator has directed me to ask the help of the Planning Commission in <br />reviewing the zoning portions of the Code in preparation for revision. The City Code was <br />last wholly revised in 1989 and has been amended many times since. Inconsistencies have <br />crept in, and the community has evolved in the last fourteen years - as you all realized when <br />we worked through the lot coverage issue last year. Also, the text files that are the official <br />record of the Code were generated by very old word processing software and have never <br />been satisfactorily converted to present-day form. Formatting is inconsistent, bits and pieces <br />tend to fall off pages, and we are unable to take advantage of modern indexing, tracking and <br />access technologies. The Code is overdue for a thorough going-over, and, with the <br />approaching upgrade of the City computer network, this is an opportune time. <br />At Heather's suggestion we will use a workshop process for this, outside of the official <br />agenda and off camera. We'll begin Tuesday evening by going over the first few sections of <br />Chapter 9 (the zoning chapter). Sections 1 through 7 are enclosed, along with several new <br />ordinances that have not yet been incorporated into the official text file (awaiting the network <br />upgrade). You may already have a printed copy of this material, but I am giving you a new <br />one for workshop use in this packet for workshop use. Feel free to mark it up, place sticky <br />notes, etc. <br />Please read at least Sections 1 and 2 over carefully, and make note of any of the following: <br />• Inconsistencies from one section to another <br />• Questions about background, intent, etc. <br />• Areas that are vague or unenforceable <br />• Any other areas of concern <br />• Missing lines or words, typographical errors -but don't worry too much about <br />formatting problems; your priorities are the content and language. <br />In the workshop we will collate everybody's comments and begin to formalist of points that <br />need some work. I see this as an informal process. I don't know how far we'll get in one <br />meeting, but our progress Tuesday will give Heather and me an idea of how long it will take <br />the Commission to review all of Chapter 9. <br />As always, do not hesitate to call me at City Hall, 651-644-5050, if you have any questions <br />or if you need any additional materials or information. <br />
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