Respect to density and highest use of property, they recognize thar_ if this land
<br />were developed at 4 or 5 units per acre, it would not be developed for several
<br />years, but this development, as planned is a bit more feasible. Because he can't
<br />control access across the University, they are willing to listen; however; to any
<br />suggestion. Also, he spoke with Don Swendra and he is home in bed with the flu.,
<br />Al Stefanson spoke about requesting a financial statement of Don Swendra/American
<br />Shelter Corp., and although Mr. Swendra agreed previously, when Al called him,
<br />he refused, stating that his attorney said it was not necessary for him to do so.
<br />It was felt, however, that this was something of importance to receive.
<br />Jerry Wallin moved, seconded by Mary Waldo, that the public hearing be rescheduled
<br />to February 1, 1982, at 7:00 p.m., at City Hall, assuming that all information is
<br />on file in the City Hall by January 21st, 1982., and all information being those
<br />items as set forth ir.. PUD zoning ordinance 138, 17.6(2). Passed unanimously.
<br />Jim Bourquin wondered if they could add a financial statement and financial plan to
<br />ti;at, especiai.iy :,:onsiveriYS~; tide itnes we find o~rr.sel.v~~ in alt ±-he present time.
<br />It was felt (though the attorney had to leave and we couldnot ask him) that we would
<br />be unable to hold up a public hearing by virtue of not receiving a financial statement,
<br />though it was the general concensus that one should be obtained, if possible.
<br />There was some discussion as to how Mr. Westin would proceed in the 3-year plan,
<br />going in which directions, etc., as asked by Harold Nilsen. Mr. Westin said
<br />that American Shelter could give that information; however, they don't wish to be
<br />tied-in to any one hard, fast rule, in that they have no idea how quickly they
<br />can sell the various areas and it is obvious that that has some bearing on how
<br />quickly they proceed.
<br />~~
<br />The next item of business was the election of officers for the year
<br />1982. Nilsen moved, seconded by Wallin that Al Stefanson be re-elect-
<br />ed Chairman for the year 1982. Motion carried unanimously.
<br />Jerry Wallin stated that he felt he could no longer continue as
<br />secretary and upon asking for a volunteer from the Commission,
<br />no one reponded. The Commission then discussed the possibility
<br />of hiring a part time secretary to sit in on meetings and write
<br />the minutes. Since Ordinance ~~177 stipulates that the secretary
<br />must be chosen from the Commission, Olson moved, seconded by Wallin,
<br />that the Commission request Council to amend Ordinance ~,~177 to
<br />provide for a paid, pant time secretary. Motion carried uranimousJ_y.
<br />rJaldo moved, seconded by Mead,-that Erma. Olson be re-elected Vice
<br />Chairperson for the year.. 1982. Motion carried unanimously.
<br />A method of finding time to re-write the Zoning Ordinance was
<br />discussed. Since so much time has been spent on the proposed
<br />development and future meetings may be devoted to the same subject,
<br />Stefanson suggested, that at least for the winter months,an extra
<br />meeting be scheduled between the regular meetings to be devoted
<br />just the the. Zoning Ordinance.- The Commission Members agreed to ,;.~
<br />meet at the City Hall on January 18, 1982, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m,
<br />for the purpose of working on the Ordinance.
<br />Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned.
<br />/ Sandy~on
<br />Secretary, pro tem
<br />