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APPENDIX E <br />2015 MINNESOTA STATE FIRE CODE 481 <br />chloro)-penta-s-triazinetrione, nitric acid, (fuming - <br />more than 86 percent concentration), perchloric acid <br />solutions (60 percent to 72 percent by weight), <br />potassium bromate, potassium chlorate, potassium <br />dichloro-s-triazinetrione (potassium dichloro-isocy- <br />anurate), sodium bromate, sodium chlorate, sodium <br />chlorite (over 40 percent by weight) and sodium <br />dichloro-s-triazinetrione (sodium dichloro-isocyanu- <br />rate). <br />Class 2: barium bromate, barium chlorate, barium <br />hypochlorite, barium perchlorate, barium permanga- <br />nate, 1-bromo-3-chloro-5, 5-dimethylhydantoin, cal- <br />cium chlorate, calcium chlorite, calcium <br />hypochlorite (50 percent or less by weight), calcium <br />perchlorate, calcium permanganate, chromium triox- <br />ide (chromic acid), copper chlorate, halane (1, 3-di- <br />chloro-5, 5-dimethylhydantoin), hydrogen peroxide <br />(greater than 27.5 percent up to 52 percent), lead <br />perchlorate, lithium chlorate, lithium hypochlorite <br />(more than 39 percent available chlorine), lithium <br />perchlorate, magnesium bromate, magnesium chlo- <br />rate, magnesium perchlorate, mercurous chlorate, <br />nitric acid (more than 40 percent but less than 86 <br />percent), perchloric acid solutions (more than 50 <br />percent but less than 60 percent), potassium perchlo- <br />rate, potassium permanganate, potassium peroxide, <br />potassium superoxide, silver peroxide, sodium chlo- <br />rite (40 percent or less by weight), sodium perchlo- <br />rate, sodium perchlorate monohydrate, sodium <br />permanganate, sodium peroxide, strontium chlorate, <br />strontium perchlorate, thallium chlorate, trichloro-s- <br />triazinetrione (trichloroisocyanuric acid), urea <br />hydrogen peroxide, zinc bromate, zinc chlorate and <br />zinc permanganate. <br />Class 1: all inorganic nitrates (unless otherwise clas- <br />sified), all inorganic nitrites (unless otherwise classi- <br />fied), ammonium persulfate, barium peroxide, <br />calcium peroxide, hydrogen peroxide solutions <br />(greater than 8 percent up to 27.5 percent), lead <br />dioxide, lithium hypochlorite (39 percent or less <br />available chlorine), lithium peroxide, magnesium <br />peroxide, manganese dioxide, nitric acid (40 percent <br />concentration or less), perchloric acid solutions (less <br />than 50 percent by weight), potassium dichromate, <br />potassium percarbonate, potassium persulfate, <br />sodium carbonate peroxide, sodium dichloro-s-tri- <br />azinetrione dihydrate, sodium dichromate, sodium <br />perborate (anhydrous), sodium perborate monohy- <br />drate, sodium perborate tetra-hydrate, sodium per- <br />carbonate, sodium persulfate, strontium peroxide <br />and zinc peroxide. <br />E102.1.8 Organic peroxides. Organic peroxides contain <br />the double oxygen or peroxy (-o-o) group. Some are flam- <br />mable compounds and subject to explosive decomposi- <br />tion. They are available as: <br />1. Liquids. <br />2. Pastes. <br />3. Solids (usually finely divided powers). <br />E102.1.8.1 Classification of organic peroxides <br />according to hazard. <br />Unclassified: Unclassified organic peroxides are <br />capable of detonation and are regulated in accor- <br />dance with Chapter 56 of the International Fire <br />Code. <br />Class I: acetyl cyclohexane sulfonyl 60-65 percent <br />concentration by weight, fulfonyl peroxide, benzoyl <br />peroxide over 98 percent concentration, t-butyl <br />hydroperoxide 90 percent, t-butyl peroxyacetate 75 <br />percent, t-butyl peroxyisopropylcarbonate 92 per- <br />cent, diisopropyl peroxydicarbonate 100 percent, di- <br />n-propyl peroxydicarbonate 98 percent, and di-n- <br />propyl peroxydicarbonate 85 percent. <br />Class II: acetyl peroxide 25 percent, t-butyl hydrop- <br />eroxide 70 percent (with DTBP and t-BuOH dilu- <br />ents), t-butyl peroxybenzoate 98 percent, t-butyl <br />peroxy-2-ethylhexanoate 97 percent, t-butyl peroxy- <br />isobutyrate 75 percent, t-butyl peroxyisopropyl-car- <br />bonate 75 percent, t-butyl peroxypivalate 75 <br />percent, dybenzoyl peroxydicarbonate 85 percent, <br />di-sec-butyl peroxydicarbonate 98 percent, di-sec- <br />butyl peroxydicarbonate 75 percent, 1,1-di-(t- <br />butylperoxy)-3,5,5-trimethyecyclohexane 95 per- <br />cent, di-(2-ethythexyl) peroxydicarbonate 97 per- <br />cent, 2,5-dymethyl-2-5 di (benzoylperoxy) hexane <br />92 percent, and peroxyacetic acid 43 percent. <br />Class III: acetyl cyclohexane sulfonal peroxide 29 <br />percent, benzoyl peroxide 78 percent, benzoyl per- <br />oxide paste 55 percent, benzoyl peroxide paste 50 <br />percent peroxide/50 percent butylbenzylphthalate <br />diluent, cumene hydroperoxide 86 percent, di-(4- <br />butylcyclohexyl) peroxydicarbonate 98 percent, t- <br />butyl peroxy-2-ethylhexanoate 97 percent, t-butyl <br />peroxyneodecanoate 75 percent, decanoyl peroxide <br />98.5 percent, di-t-butyl peroxide 99 percent, 1,1-di- <br />(t-butylperoxy)3,5,5-trimethylcyclohexane 75 per- <br />cent, 2,4-dichlorobenzoyl peroxide 50 percent, di- <br />isopropyl peroxydicarbonate 30 percent, 2,-5-di- <br />methyl-2,5-di-(2-ethylhexanolyperoxy)-hexane 90 <br />percent, 2,5-dimethyl-2,5-di-(t-butylperoxy) hexane <br />90 percent and methyl ethyl ketone peroxide 9 per- <br />cent active oxygen diluted in dimethyl phthalate. <br />Class IV: benzoyl peroxide 70 percent, benzoyl per- <br />oxide paste 50 percent peroxide/15 percent water/35 <br />percent butylphthalate diluent, benzoyl peroxide <br />slurry 40 percent, benzoyl peroxide powder 35 per- <br />cent, t-butyl hydroperoxide 70 percent, (with water <br />diluent), t-butyl peroxy-2-ethylhexanoate 50 per- <br />cent, decumyl peroxide 98 percent, di-(2-ethylhexal) <br />peroxydicarbonate 40 percent, laurel peroxide 98 <br />percent, p-methane hydroperoxide 52.5 percent, <br />methyl ethyl ketone peroxide 5.5 percent active oxy- <br />gen and methyl ethyl ketone peroxide 9 percent <br />active oxygen diluted in water and glycols. <br />Class V: benzoyl peroxide 35 percent, 1,1-di-t- <br />butyl peroxy 3,5,5-trimethylcyclohexane 40 per- <br />Copyright © 2016 ICC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Accessed by James Lee on Dec 14, 2016 8:21:27 AM pursuant to License Agreement with ICC. No further reproduction or <br />distribution authorized. ANY UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE <br />AGREEMENT, AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER.