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MINUTES <br />CITY COUNCIL, <br />APRIL, 24, 2002 <br />RESOI_ UTION NO 2002-4-88 -APPROVING THti CONDITIONAL USE <br />PERMIT ALLOWING OUTDOOR STORAGE OF VEAICI,ES AND <br />EQUIPMENT ASS'OC'IATED WIT H TE]_ECOMMUNICATIONS <br />OUTSIDE PLANT CON.STRUCTIONAT 3250.SPRUCE STREET A.S <br />REQUESTED BY OLUUS CORPORAT/ON SU73JEC'T TO COMPLIANCE <br />WITH THE RECOMD4ENDATION.S OF THE CIT 3' PI ANNER, CITY <br />ENGINEER, P/_ANNING COMMLSSION, AND AL 1, CITY CODE <br />REQUIREMENTS, AS WELL AS.S'U13.IECT TO THE CITY PI ANNER'S <br />REVIF. W AND APPROVAL. OF A RE VLS~ED /.AND.SC'APE PLAN <br />The foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Pahey. <br />Ayes (5) LaValle, Fahey, Montour, Scalze, Anderson. <br />Nays (0). Resolution declared adopted. <br />It was noted that there is no need to act on the Variance request given Orius <br />Corporation's withdrawal of that request. <br />CONDITIONAL. Fahey opened the public hearing to consider the application for Conditional <br />USG PERMIT Use Permit PUD, Concept and Development Stage PUD to allow the <br />PUD, CONCEPT construction of townoff ce/condominium units at Park Street and Rice Street <br />AN,D as requested by Montanari homes. It was noted that the Planning Commission <br />DEVELOPMENT recommended approval of the request It was also noted that the matter had <br />STAGE PUD - been previously tabled by the City Council pending a recommendation from <br />PARK/RICE the Watershed Dish~ict about the feasibility of providing access via Rice <br />STREETS - Street rather than Park Street. <br />MONTANARI <br />HOMES The City Planner reviewed a revised site plan for the Montanari townoffce <br />development that provides for access via Rice SU~eet. The Planner noted that <br />the parking shown on the site plan is about 15 spaces short of meeting the <br />City's parking requirements. Fahey suggested that if these additional spaces <br />cannot be provided for, perhaps the density is too high. <br />Mark Gossman, Montanari L[omes, indicated that the first floor space of some <br />of the units will be used as conference rooms, kitchen and lounge space. <br />Therefore, he felt that the required parking spaces could be reduced based on <br />this usage. The City Planner indicated that in calculating required parking, <br />consideration is given to the highest use of the property. "I'he Planner pointed <br />out that as these businesses grow, it is typical that conference and lounge space <br />is converted into office space. Therefore, Che required parking for this <br />development would be 102 spaces and not the 87 shown on the site plan. <br />Gossman pointed out that the difference is one space per unit- <br />Fahey pointed out that the City cannot grant a variance from the parking <br />requirements of the ordinance unless the applicant can show a hardship. <br />