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Expenses in the General Fund are up 3.1%. Some of the major expense drivers are as follows: <br />Elections - Costs are down $13,250 because 2019 is a non-election year. <br />Personnel Costs – Preliminary cost of living adjustment is projected at 3% plus any salary <br />scale step increases. An increase of approximately 3% was also budgeted for Mayor and <br />Council salary adjustments. <br />Health Insurance Premiums – Projected 15% increase for premium rate and age increases. <br />We will have a better idea what the final insurance premiums will be by late October or early <br />November. This amount may be reduced due to final rates or lower staff participation. <br />IT Costs – Our preliminary IT costs are up about 20% over 2018. A large portion of the <br />increase is due to additional network access at our parks. <br />Sheriff’s Department – Contracted costs are up 4.8%. An additional investigator and vehicle <br />are being added in 2019. The final 2019 budget for the Ramsey County Sherriff’s Department <br />contract cities was approved on Thursday, September 20 incorporating the 4.8% increase. <br />Streets - Costs are down $34,370. The major change is the reduction of our seal coating <br />budget. The Public Works Director is evaluating the process we have been using and looking <br />at whether or not it is cost effective. Bill Dircks will be in attendance at the meeting and can <br />provide additional details on alternative maintenance measures. <br />Staff recommends setting the preliminary 2019 levy at 3.41% as the preliminary levy can be reduced <br />but cannot be increased. As in previous years, we will have additional workshops later this fall to <br />refine the budget before adoption in December.