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GENERAL FUND (101) REVENUE <br />2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 % <br />Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget Change <br />CITY OF LITTLE CANADA <br />FINES: <br />County Fines & Forfeits 35,711$ 39,342$ 34,000$ 34,000$ 34,000$ <br />City Issued Fines 6,600 5,365 5,000 5,000 5,000 <br />TOTAL FINES 42,311$ 44,707$ 39,000$ 39,000$ 39,000$ 0.00% <br />REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS <br />Refunds - Insurance (3)28,531$ 5,754$ 7,500$ 7,500$ 7,500$ <br />Reimburse - Misc.5,491 7,363 1,000 1,000 1,000 <br />Reimburse-F.H. Building Official (4)42,889 60,681 42,000 44,000 44,000 <br />Reimburse-Sweeper (5)5,910 - - - <br />Reimburse - Hoggsbreath - 28,538 38,000 25,000 <br />Reimburse-Sheriff 99,211 114,589 85,127 100,150 88,164 <br />TOTAL REFUNDS/REIMBURSEMENTS 182,032$ 188,387$ 164,165$ 190,650$ 165,664$ 0.91% <br />MISCELLANEOUS: <br />Interest on Investments 83,269$ 79,120$ 81,000$ 79,000$ 79,000$ <br />Donations - Parks & Rec 300$ <br />Miscellaneous 1,740 2,188 100 1,000 100 <br />TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 85,009$ 81,608$ 81,100$ 80,000$ 79,100$ -2.47% <br />TRANSFERS IN <br />Parks & Rec - Late/Nonres/Partic Fees 1,215$ 815$ 1,000$ 1,000$ 1,000$ <br />Parks & Rec - Field Maint (6)10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 <br />Transfer In - Cable TV 30,000 30,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 <br />Transfer In - Recycling/Disposal Fund - 15,000 30,000 35,000 35,000 <br />Transfer In - TIF Admin. Fee (7)25,610 23,877 19,900 19,900 23,300 <br />Transfer In-Park/Rec Overhead 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 <br />Transfer In-Pk/Rec Salary 10% Fund 16,515 17,316 4,500 4,500 4,500 <br />TOTAL TRANSFERS IN 88,340$ 102,008$ 105,400$ 110,400$ 113,800$ 7.97% <br />TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE 3,982,589$ 3,745,330$ 3,782,933$ 3,848,553$ 3,920,201$ 3.63% <br />(1) The budgeted increase in license fees approximates the percentage increase in the Levy. <br />(2) MSA represents dollars from Municipal State Aid for roadways. <br />(5) In 2017 we budgeted purchasing a new sweeper and selling the old one to Falcon Heights. <br />(6) Field Maintenance Revenue results from an annual transfer from the Park & Rec Special Fund. <br />(7) This line item reflects the reimbursement for TIF District administration costs. <br />(3) 2016 & 2017 figures represent dividends payable from the League of Minnesota Cities' Insurance Trust. LMCIT dividends are not declared until the end of current <br />budget year and are not a certainty. <br />(4) A full-time building official is shared with Falcon Heights. For 2018, the minimum billing provision is $40,132 and the maximum is $64,211. A continuing <br />arrangement is planned for 2019. <br />4