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Page 15 of 20TermDefinition% Fixed Income AccountPercentage that the Tax Lot represents of either the Total Par or Market Value of the Account.% Principal (G/L)Percentage that Gain/(Loss) is of Current Market Principal Value.# LotsTotal # of Tax Lots included.# YearsAverage Maturity Date # of years by Market Value (Par Value-weighted optional), for Tax Lots with current Market Prices and full analytical calculations.# Years - AverageAverage Maturity Date # of years, Market Value-weighted (Par Value-weighted optional), for all Tax Lots with current Market Prices and full analytical calculations.Accrued InterestTotal Accrued Interest of Tax Lots with a current Market Price and full analytical calculations assuming regular way Settlement for each asset class from the as-of report Date.Acquisition Cost - TotalThe sum of each Tax Lot's Principal Cost, for all Tax Lots with an Acquisition Price.Acquisition PriceThe Price at which each Tax Lot was Purchased on the Original Trade Date.Acquisition Price - AverageOriginal Principal Cost-weighted Acquisition Price, for all Tax Lots with an Acquisition Price available.Acquisition Settlement DateThe Settlement Date when each Tax Lot was Purchased. Used for Acquisition calculations.Acquisition Trade DateThe Date when each Tax Lot was Purchased. Used for Long/Short-term Gain/(Loss) determination and calculation of Settlement Date if not provided (greater of regular way or Dated Date).Acquisition Yield To WorstPurchase Yield to Worst on Acquisition Settlement Date, for each Tax Lot with an Acquisition Price and Acquisition Date. Used for daily calculation of Adjusted Cost (book) Price values.Actual Coupon Cash FlowTotal Coupon payments over the next 12 months, for all recognized Tax Lots where Cash Flow data is available.Adjusted CostAdjusted Cost (book) Price at current Market Settlement Date, for each Tax Lot. Uses the Constant Yield Methodology, determined by the IRS.Adjusted Cost - TotalThe sum of each Tax Lot's Adjusted Principal Cost on current Market Settlement Date, for all Tax Lots with an Acquisition Price.Adjusted PriceCurrent Face Value-weighted average Adjusted (book) Price, for Tax Lots with an Acquisition Price, Acquisition Date, current Market Price, and full analytical calculations.Adjusted Principal CostTotal Adjusted Principal (book) Cost on report Date, for Tax Lots with an Acquisition Price, Acquisition Date, current Market Price, and full analytical calculations.After-Tax Yield To WorstAfter-Tax Yield to Worst, for each Tax Lot with a current Market Price and full analytical calculations. Assumes Fed Inc/Cap Gain rates of 39.6% / 20.0% or Account-specific rates and residency settings if available.After-Tax Yield To Worst - AverageAverage Market Principal-weighted After-Tax Yield to Worst, for all Tax Lots with a current Market Price and full analytical calculations. Cognizant of the State of Residence and Tax Rates set on the Account..Asset HeldIndicates if the Tax Lot is Held-Internally, or Held-Away (Externally) to the Account.BenchmarkDescriptor for the Benchmark Scale name and data point used in the spread calculation.CallThe next Date and Price where the Issuer has the option to return Principal prior to Maturity.Cash & Equivalents BalanceAggregated $ value of Cash and Assets which are deemed to be Cash equivalents.ConvexityThe rate at which Duration changes in response to interest rate changes. A positive value indicates Prices will rise more rapidly in a Bull Market (Yields down) and fall more slowly in a Bear Market (Yields up). The opposite is true fornegatively Convexed bonds. Non-Callable bonds have positive Convexity. Typically bonds with shorter Calls have negative Convexity.Convexity - AverageMarket Principal-weighted Average Convexity, for all Tax Lots with a current Market Price and full analytical calculations.Corporate Debt RankingThe Ranking of the security in the company's Debt/Capital Structure. Examples: Senior Unsecured, Subordinated, Junior, etc.Corporate SectorIndustrial classification of Corporate Bond Issuers by line of business.CouponThe rate at which when applied to the Par Value will determine the annualized Cash Flow paid to the investor.Coupon - AverageAverage Coupon Rate-weighted by Current Face Value (Market Value-weighted optional), for all Tax Lots with current Market Prices and full analytical calculations.CUSIPAn industry-standard, unique, nine character alpha-numeric identifier for registered securities.Current Face ValueThe Original Face Value multiplied by the Factor on the as-of report Date, for each Tax Lot with a current Market Price and full analytical calculations.Current Face Value - TotalThe sum of each Tax Lot's Original Face Value multiplied by the Factor on the as-of report Date, for all Tax Lots with a current Market Price and full analytical calculations.Current Market PriceCurrent Face Value-weighted average Current Market Price, for Tax Lots with an Acquisition Price, Acquisition Date, current Market Price, and full analytical calculations.Current Market PrincipalTotal Principal Value at current Market Prices on report Date, for Tax Lots with an Acquisition Price, current Market Price, and full analytical calculations.De Minimis Delta PriceThe difference between the current Market Price and the De Minimis Threshold Price, reflecting the Price change necessary for a new owner to be subject to a different tax treatment.De Minimis Delta YieldThe difference between the current Market Yield To Worst and the De Minimis threshold Yield To Worst, reflecting the Yield To Worst change necessary for a new owner to be subject to a different tax treatment.De Minimis PriceThe De Minimis threshold Price. Purchasing a bond at a Price above the Threshold will result in favorable tax treatment if held to maturity.De Minimis RuleThe De Minimis rule states that Capital Gains Tax must be paid on a bond Purchased at a discount of the Face Value in excess of a quarter point per year between the time of Acquisition and Maturity. If the Acquisition Price isabove the De Minimis Threshold, then the bondholder will be entitled to preferential Tax treatment on the Appreciation to Par ( ^ De Minimis Threshold). If the Acquisition Price is below the De Minimis Threshold, then all Appreciationto Par is subject to ordinary tax rates ( v De Minimis Threshold). The tax treatment to existing client holdings is determined by the Acquisition Price and will not change during the life of the bond if held to Maturity. However, asMarket Prices change, the different tax treatment to a new owner may materially impact the Market Price and/or Marketability of the bond if a sale is anticipated.De Minimis StatusIndicator if each bond is above or below the De Minimis Threshold at the current Market Price. Purchasing a bond above the threshold results in favorable tax treatment if held to maturity.De Minimis YieldThe De Minimis threshold Yield. Purchasing a bond at a Yield below the Threshold will result in favorable tax treatment if held to maturity.Equity Value - TotalAggregated $ value for all Equity holdings.Estimated Gain/(Loss)Difference between Current Market Principal and Adjusted Principal (book) Cost, for Tax Lots with an Acquisition Price, Acquisition Date, current Market Price, and full analytical calculations.Face Value at AcquisitionCurrent Face Value (applying factors as-of Acquisition Date), for Tax Lots with an Acquisition Price, Acquisition Date, current Market Price, and full analytical calculations.Face Value at Acquisition - TotalThe sum of each Tax Lot's Current Face Value (applying factors as-of each Tax Lot Acquisition Date), for all Tax Lots with an Acquisition Price, Acquisition Date, current Market Price, and full analytical calculations.Fixed Income Fund BalanceAggregated $ value for all Fixed Income Mutual and ETF fund balances.CHRIS HEINEMANCity of Little CanadaGlossaryreport as of 02/07/2019