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CITY OF LITTLE CANADA, MINNESOTA STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 See accompanying Notes to Basic Financial Statements. (26) Operating CapitalCharges for Grants and Grants and Governmental Business-Type Functions/Programs Expenses Services Contributions Contributions Activities Activities TotalPrimary Government:Governmental Activities:General Government 1,868,590$ 253,121$ 35,976$ -$ (1,579,493)$ -$ (1,579,493)$ Public Safety 2,241,544 348,628 60,554 40,046 (1,792,316) - (1,792,316) Public Works 2,420,772 14,040 148,186 640,402 (1,618,144) - (1,618,144) Community Services 1,274,088 1,636,194 42,885 - 404,991 - 404,991 Interest and Fiscal Charges 289,276 - - - (289,276) - (289,276) Total Governmental Activities 8,094,270 2,251,983 287,601 680,448 (4,874,238) - (4,874,238) Business-Type Activities:Water 1,574,293 1,641,723 - 24,430 - 91,860 91,860 Sewer 1,480,413 1,428,823 - 16,310 - (35,280) (35,280) Total Business-Type Activities 3,054,706 3,070,546 - 40,740 - 56,580 56,580 Total Primary Government 11,148,976$ 5,322,529$ 287,601$ 721,188$ (4,874,238) 56,580 (4,817,658) General Revenues:Property Taxes, Levied for General Purposes 3,265,748 - 3,265,748 Tax Increments 378,923 - 378,923 Grants and Contributions Not Restricted 435,682 - 435,682 Unrestricted Investment Earnings 299,521 21,740 321,261 Other 14,920 9,056 23,976 Special Item (4,506,155) - (4,506,155) Transfers 300,000 (300,000) - Total General Revenues, Special Items, and Transfers 188,639 (269,204) (80,565) Change in Net Position (4,685,599) (212,624) (4,898,223) Net Position - Beginning of Year 46,160,964 10,044,187 56,205,151 Net Position - End of Year 41,475,365$ 9,831,563$ 51,306,928$ Program Revenues Net (Expense) Revenue and Changes in Net PositionPrimary Government