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MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING <br />CITY COUNCIL <br />LITTLE CANADA, MINNESOTA <br />Pursuant to dae call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the City Couucil of <br />Little Canada, Minnesota was held on the 23rd day of May, 2001 in the <br />Council Chambers of the City Center located at 515 Little Canada Road in said <br />City. <br />MAY 23, 200] <br />Mayor Michael I liahey called the meeting to order at 735 p.m. and the <br />following members of the City Council were present at roll call: <br />CITY COUNCIL <br />Mayor <br />Council Member <br />Council Member <br />Council Member <br />Council Member <br />Mr. Michael L Fahey <br />Ivls. Beverly Scalze <br />Mr. Jim LaValle <br />Mr. Matt Anderson <br />Mr. Rick Montour <br />ALSO PRESENT: <br />City Administrator <br />City Attorney <br />City Planner <br />Public Works Dir. <br />Parks & Rec. I~ir. <br />Deputy Clerk <br />Mr. Joel R. Hanson <br />Mr. Tom Sweeney <br />Mr. Steve Cn ittman <br />Mr. Greg Schroeder <br />Mr. Jun Morelan <br />Ms. Kathy Glanzer <br />MINUTES Mr. Anderson introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOI UTION NO. 2021-.5-106 - APPRO vING THE MINUTES OF TILE <br />APRIL 25, 2001 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING~ISSUBMITTED <br />The foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Montour. <br />Ayes (5) Anderson, Montour, LaValle, Fahey, Scalze. <br />Nays (0). Resolution decla~~ed adopted. <br />PRESENTATION Coralie Wilson, Executive Director, of the North Suburban Communications <br />Commission appeared before the Council to present Kathy Glanzer, the City's <br />former delegate to the Commission with a plaque in recognition of her service. <br />Glanzer thanked the City for the opportunity to serve as Commissioner. <br />PUBLIC Mayor Fahey opened the Public I:tearing to consider a property division for <br />BEARING- 2966 LaBore Road dividing the property into Parcels 1, 2, and 3 with Parcel <br />2966 LnBORE 1 to be combined with 2940 L,aBore Road as requested by William Richie. <br />