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02-10-00 Planning Comm. Agenda
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02-10-00 Planning Comm. Agenda
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1^EB-04-2000 1007 F82 GREEN CO. 651 644 2349 P.04/05 <br />Howard R. Green Company <br />CONSUlr71NG ENGINEERS <br />February 3, 2000 <br />File; 808390)-0240 <br />Honorable Chairman and Piannimg Commission <br />City of Little Canada <br />515 Little Canada Road East <br />Little Canada, MN 55117-1633 <br />RE: PARK PLACE CONCEPT PLAN <br />boar Commissioners: <br />As requested we have reviewed the concept plan submitted for Park Place by Masterpiece <br />Horses. Based upon our review we would offer the following comments: <br />1. The driveways for units 5.6, 7$ and 9-10, all rUn together at the curb line of the street In <br />othe^ words, there w111 be a driveway over 110 feet long. It will be vary diftlcult to piow snow <br />in this area or place other utilities such as cable TV or electric, which requires !unction boxes <br />behind the curb. An attempt should be made to get these three units so that their driveways <br />do not meet at the curb line and there is space for snow storage and utility facilities. <br />2. We would recommend an easement be placed adjacent to the cul-d®-sac outside the <br />driveway areas for snow storage. !f there is ever heavy snow fail through winter months this <br />would prpvide the Public Works bepartment a place to store excessive snow rather then <br />hauling i4 from the cul-de-sac due to the number of driveways. <br />3. Who-e the cul-de-sac meets Lithe Canada Road it is approximately 70-feet wide. The throat <br />of the cut-desac should be narrowed substantially at this point by extending the curb lines <br />and putting in a sharper radius on the west side of the cul•de-saC. ° <br />Q. The eroposed pathway that leads from the cul-de-sac northward to the park area should be <br />10-feat in width rather than the 5 that is proposed. If this is to be a public pathway, it should <br />also be placed in an outlok which can be dedicated to the City. <br />5. Unit 15-11i driveway is very close to the intersection .of Little Canada Road at4 of Jackson <br />Street. An attempt should be made to resituate this unit sc that this driveway is further north <br />from the Little Canada Road intersection. <br />6. Unit 17-18 and 19-20 again have their driveways converge at the edge of the road. Also <br />both of their driveways are at a skewed angle with the road. These units should be adjusted <br />slightly so that the driveways do not meet at the edge of Jackson Street and also the <br />drive.vaye ehould be turned to moot ao eiooo to 00 dogreco es pe6siblt at the curb Ifna. '1 t5a <br />same Is true about the angle of the driveway for unit 20-21. <br />7. The plan Indicates that the new cul•de-sac radius of the pavement will be 40-feet. The <br />standard pavement radius would be 45-feet. The question is whether 40-feet provides <br />enough for a snowplow to tum around without a backing motion. <br />8. The plan shows 5-feet of the Jackson Street right-of-way to be vacated. It is not clear Pram <br />the d-swings why this is proposed or whetrier or not it should be allowed. <br />0:1PROJ1000390J10240UV 2a~o0 chahman,doc <br />1325 EnOryy Park Drtve . St. POUI, MN 65108 . 8511844-4389 fexe511H44-8446 t011•fiaq 888/308-0369 <br />Page 4 <br />
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