1~121VU'1'L.u Ul+' 1~ Sa?I.+,(,2A1: .r1~LT21\TU
<br />Qf '.L'IU 1r2LL61iNc~~ GO?ID16IL CN~'
<br />TiTL V2LL~+,~~E OF' LS4.'TL1. C~IVADLI
<br />1'arsuant to notice g7.ven, a spoc7.a1 meet:tn€; of tree Coun~
<br />ci.l of the Vi.1la~•o of Little Ca_na.d.a wYls held oat Mond.oY, May "~s
<br />1~5~=, at the ;~5.'tt].o rsrn~+c~.a. Sctlcol ~t 7,~'>0 k'>1~9, ".'kae fo;.7.ow1.nL;
<br />Coranc~:. members hao:r'o presonto
<br />T,ouis Iw". I'4elrailcon, 1(4<'zyo'c'; .Roy 1'. Nadeau,
<br />Cler.lc., earl ;poorer, John A,< Vita.le,
<br />Tru.stres,
<br />L,dw^:rd. R. 1.oe~i'flcr, ':Crustoe, clas a-bsent.
<br />1'tay Ol^i~C', .I. t3,nCOYa Ca I:L CCi trl. t: (!1C (?tirlo' GC Uf'C?. (; l' S.Il('t a.Cll"1.O UlAC U'Ci.
<br />Gh,~.t the purpose of tlxc. sneci,a7 meeting" w~3;> to discus, 7-; i.tl1 inter-.
<br />eBtCCI Ct.t't7E: Y1;3 the 171at oCa` J]`.` t~: ( CJ1':StruCtlOn O]. r~iE;i"lgmay .1CLU tfir7U~.~"i
<br />t;~10 ~~.l lr.L(~j P. 641'i, i1 rJ b.rtiCV. ). c. Y' r°]°(-'.].'C-?nCC' t0 'ChP. ncLtlil:'P O~~ t~'lo iCLtC':C~-
<br />section of thca't 4ligheaa5r with Little Canada Road.,
<br />Rov~:rend ~arthur N. :Durand, N'ir. Jo,.n P. Slomquist, Phil
<br />I.i V.CYIa]:'lltf3, ±;CJ.Y'7. IjC?`; P.'l.., I?;(~.l~++ar~. Gagne-,', 1"ft3.S'C:".1 Cca~;i1 E.', an(~ a. .NaCllate Y'd
<br />+;r1CS0T« 'b1 ;'7.°G ~:)I'l'„iGnt. ~('.~1E SC' IA (; Yl, roj)r C', Sf?nt.3.11 ~~ lUC4.L C~C1U.:'CIl (: S,
<br />seklool.s, busines.> aYld. 'tl"le Fia°e Department, r.l.l exi?rer3sed a 'i"ear
<br />t11e.t ii' tfae irlto'rsoction of Littlo Canada. Road_ and the rlevr F~S.g~1.laaay
<br />%`10 worn to i7e a grade crossi.nE, r~s d-esigna,ted i.n 'the genera:L Layout
<br />Il;<c~ prov'ld.ed by t'ne ';fi{;r.],~+<ay Depa.rtrnealt, tF;e danger oP ~a.ccid.enT:s
<br />].nvoJ..ving not only prit+~a'i;e motor vehicles but sc.hoo7. losses, fire
<br />r.. (>p `LY'a.tUG al'1 (~. p0:1i Ce Case, t+l U`UlC1 L:E C', };.CeBU in(?; a.y ~'rEat< 2t G?ag
<br />pointed. out that a count Iaa.s been made oP the number of ve.hicLos
<br />using 'Little Cant~da _Rasd, Udder prc~;;ent conditions there atiJ"pear
<br />to be about ono thousand vehicles evoi°y twealty--four hours tr&.vrrs-
<br />ing 'Little Canada Road at the; po3.nt ~(,~here PigYhmay ,~10 a~l~ould inter-~
<br />sect; it. Count9ng ~lloth public and. prrochial schac)1 biasses, tls~ore
<br />m~ou.J.d. be actua7.ly fourteen. school bassos passing th,1t point each
<br />school day, F,~ev(~l'orld Durand _~;~oi.nte>d out th:xt ;several hundred auto-
<br />mobiles cross that point every Sundrly to att<;nd chur'oh services.
<br />The Fire DepartmontCYli.of adv3.sed ttao Counc3_l tl"irlt Piro s'1)hara.tus
<br />crossing that point wou7_d be qu9.te S'requer'11; since t,l,o Litt1H (tan-
<br />a.da 1~ ire; De.p.a:ctl]lcn'b se:ewes botYl th8 F:rhite Rear 1 ommsYlip rind the
<br />~dound,s V1.eva 'to~~mshi.~~, strea.s NortY]. arid. `.9'est of the 'Vi11a.~;e> F'very
<br />cal'1 'Lo either of theso two mo.r,icitrall.tic;s aaota7,d recaua.r, e tl'le Piro
<br />ctf)~~H:C'B,tUB t0 GrOS`; !ai~~~ii~d L3.y ;y~10, 2G lii1S =.16G pOintFd Ot1t tihat tf18
<br />iVor~th Star. Ras Company, operating <~ bus route rn)klich cans fr, om the
<br />CS.ty of St. Prau.l. i+lorth oil-Rice Street ~bo z,i the Canada Roaad a.nd
<br />mast to fdrer'ton aerleY'o 3.t ag2in ;)-roceeds north., must cross the a)ro-
<br />:Posed ~7'il;il~,c'ay fJ_Q many times a, da.y. P;r. Ro;sez, spealring for brtsl-
<br />nessrnen located. at T.,it;tl.e Oans?d.a Road anC~. I~FC1=henenay, :r~ointed ovt
<br />that every d~:ly many cu,tomer.s of his coke Prom the area? ?;d'ost of the
<br />pro;7os;;d 1,1gl~away ~~`10 zznd t;hesr would nece:-S•~Vri.1.y have to oros4 Fiigh--
<br />;a~aq ;t10 to L~'et to his store. Iie .rra.ic .Ire feared that if the cross--
<br />3.ng ~nras a dangcrou.s srad_e crossing 7si_thou.~G protec~t:Lon these :ceople
<br />