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Regular ivleeting .- October ~, 1955 <br />Tile next order of business was the consideration o~f an <br />ordinance providing :for on-sale and of'f-sale intoxicating liquor 1i- <br />censes to b-e issued by the Village. TPte Village A.ttorrtey read the <br />proposed ordinances at lc-:ngth explaining f.'ir;;t the ordinance. author.i- <br />ing lic;erases, The Council considered various clt.aestions of in <br />i,hat ordinance taking 'them one by one, tr,e f'i.rst question being that <br />of the amount to be charged fbr an on•-sale liquor license® <br />Uport motion by Spooner, seconded by Vitale, and unanimously <br />aclopteci, iC was agreed that the, fec f'or on~-sale be set at Orte 't'housand <br />and 00100 (j,G1,000e00) Doilar•s per years <br />Mr. ?cas Cizarpentier, 2].'70 Burr Street, asked if of:f-sale <br />liquor grad. 3m2 beer on-sale could be sold ort the wine premise:;, The <br />At.t.orney replied. that a°~x~er state law they could not since the <br />specifically provide that an off-sale intoxicating 7.iquor applicant <br />irtust surrender his on~-sale 3,2 beer 1.icertse. Nra Charpentier also asked <br />whetYaer or not it wouldn°t, be advisable to require i.icensees to carry <br />liabili.~ty .i.nstarance, This question vras discussed at. length and the <br />Council decided not to inr_lude such a prov'isi.ono <br />Ntro Fs•anlc I3rausen asked if there uYouid be restrictions as <br />to the g:rant.inq of intoxicating liquoz• licenses i.ra proxi.m.ity to schools <br />anal churches the Villa,ae. It v/a.s ,pointed out to him that the <br />ordinance as sul:>mit~ted left that question to the Council to decide, <br />Uporr motion. b,~T Spooner, seconded by Vitale and unanimously. <br />adopted, the Council agreed t.o set the annual fee fos' off-sale licerxse <br />at One Tiundrec9 and 00100 (p100,00) Doil.ars per year, the statutory <br />ma.x i inum. <br />Alra S~tszenske suggested that the Counr,i.1 is responsible <br />1'or tyre raal~.;ng of laws relating to the sale of intoxicating liquor and <br />they should adopt an ordinance which in 'their own good judgmen% is or <br />the best interests of the people of the community and that the Council <br />should not .be unduly infltzeraced by individualsa <br />'l'ire Council then discussed tl'ae question os a restc•iction <br />against issuing licenses .in close proximity to schools and churches <br />within i:he Village. lJpon motion by Loeffler, seconded by Nadeau, i't <br />was unart.imously agreed by the Council 'Chat the ordinanr.,e should restrict <br />the issuance of licenses to not less Haan fittecn hundred feet (100 f't.) <br />from any school or clturrh with.i.n the Villageo <br />Spooner moved to adopt <br />Ol1DINANCI: X11.{_ <br />ATQ Oi3T7TNANCE RLGULATTNG Tl{E SALE OF TN'POXTCA'T'- <br />TNG LIQLTO}: VJITTT.IN 1'ITE VIt,LAGF' OF LIT'T'LE CANADA, <br />PROVIDING 1~OR SLICfI SA.LL":S 13Y DL1LX LTCI3NSIiD PERa <br />SONS, J/STABLISIITNG 1ZECrULA'PTOIVS FOR THF.. OPI:RAm <br />TTON OF PLACES Wt{ERE SUCH INTOXICATING LTC~UOR <br />IS 5OL3~, PROVIDING FthGIJLATIOIQS FOR TlIE GRA(\~TTNG <br />Ol~ SL7CII S..ICENSES, S%TTING LICENSE FI~E5, PROVII:)a <br />TNCr PI~,NALTTIS FOR I•TfF VIOI,ATIOAI 'T'IIEttEOF, AND <br />REPEAL:LNG ALL TNCONSIS'fEN'I' ORllTNANCISS, <br />a <br />