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MINUTES of sPECa.~aL IJEE'rIIQG <br />OF THI V:[hLAG:E COUPICZ,'., OF <br />tliE 1J 1 LI_.ACrE OF L I'1"I'l,E CANADA <br />Pursuant to notice, a special meet of• the Counc.i.1 of Che <br />Village of Little Canada was heici on 'T'uesday, Ortobex• ii, 1955, at <br />the Little Canada Fire Ha11. Th.e follov~ing rnem7>ers arere presexbto <br />Louis W. Me.lancon, Mayor, Rey T'. Nadeau, Clerkp <br />Edward 12a Loefi'ler, Carl Spooner, John iU, Vitale, <br />Trustees. <br />?ired T'. Memmcr, village attorney, was also present. <br />The Mayor announc.e.d that. the pc.zrpose o.f the meeting ~+~as to <br />consider applications for intoxicating liquor licens<>,s. <br />7'Tie Cler}c read an application by ti9arce7. ixagne for an off- <br />sale. liquor license ;fora busi,~ess to be co:,Zducted at Little C~xn.ada <br />Road and Rice St ree:t. The application. was considered by the nu>.mbe:rs <br />of flay Council. <br />Upon motion by Nadeau, seconded .by Loeffler, it was <br />"T2ESOLVED, that the eppiication of Niarce.l Gagne <br />to conduct an off-sale liquor business at Little <br />Canada road and T?:ice Street be and .ts hereby approved <br />and the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to issue. <br />a li::ense pursuant to this resolution." <br />Ayes -- ~ Nays _ 0 <br />'the resolution was a,ciopted. <br />The Clerk read the application of Louis Peterfeso of 2750 <br />Rice. Street for axt liquor license to be conducted at his <br />i:tomr,® It was explained that Mr. Peterfeso intends to x•e-model the <br />premises establishzn.g as the off~sale store premises his present gar- <br />age which is attached to tyre house and .is in the front ofzt. St was <br />also exp).ai.ned that all off~ale licenses, when granted by the Village <br />Council., mast be approved by the State Liquor Control Commissioner. <br />Upon motion by Spooner, seconded by Vitalz, vaas <br />"RESOL'VED, That the app7.ication of l..ouis I'eter.feso <br />t.o conduct an off-sale liquor business at 27>0 I=lice 5t. <br />be and is hereby approved and the Clerlc be and is here- <br />by iristrur.%ed to issue a l.i.cense pursuant to this resoP• <br />lu.tion„" <br />Ayes - 5 Nay> -- 0 <br />The resoiutior7 eras adopted, <br />