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Special i~ieetlr~g -- October 11, 195.5 <br />A:Ctez• this vote was takesi, the Mayor explained to the ap•- <br />1:>licant that many of the people who had supported at the time of <br />his election had requested. that no liquor licenses be issued on 1_alte <br />Gervais. ]fie also explained that the Town of New Canada hacl :for many <br />years fi'oliowed the policy of discouraging comme?^ciai development on <br />Edgerton Street. I]e also pointed out that when a tavern had been in <br />existence on the North shore of Lake Gervais under the operation. of <br />Mr. Godbout, that the people of the entire lake area had pr°evailed <br />upon the Town Board to refrain from issu° any license at that place <br />after Mr. Godbout sold it. The AQayor and Nlr. Spooner and PJir. Vitale <br />all made it quite clear that their basic reason for refusing to grant <br />\Qr, }{elbe~s application was the 'act that, he is located on. Lalte Ger~- <br />vais and the fact that as a matter of policy these members of the <br />Council do not believe t14e lake area, whic?~ is wholly residential, is <br />a proper place for ronducti_ng an intox.icatir;g liquor business, e3.ther <br />off-sale or on-sale® <br />Upon motion by Nadeau, seconded by Spooner, it was <br />"Ri3SOL'VED, That the application of Frank. grausen <br />be continued for further inv-astigation and study <br />to deterrni.le the feasibility of issuing a license <br />to him and giving him time to obtain suitable pre- <br />mises,n <br />Ayes - ~~ Nays _ 0 <br />"the resolution was adopi;ed. <br />lJpon nro~tion by Spooner, seconded by Vitale, .i.~t wa.s <br />"1tl:SOL.VY`;ll, That the, Clerk be and is hereby <br />aut;aorized to sznd to the County of Ramsey the <br />list of Village streets .for sr;ow removal within <br />the Village: and to authorize the County to carry <br />on snow removal and street within i.h.e <br />Village during the vrinter season>" <br />Ayes - ~ Nriy:; - 0 <br />Thu resolution was adopted„ <br />Upon motion by Nadeau, seconded by Vitale, the meeting <br />v/as ad,journecl at f3a5~ I'.M. <br />Respectf'v11y suU.} it,ted, <br />/ J // <br />au, <br />~_ ; <br />