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A~iSNUTES OI^ 'P1IE NiL;ETTJVCr <br />OF 'Pli% V I ~LLACrL' CO~iSVC I L OF THE <br />V l hr._AGE Ul~ L I TTLL^; C/UVA'D.4 <br />The regular meeting of 'the C:ounr,%1 of tPie ViLl2sge, of Little. <br />Canaria was l~ic~ld at th.e Little Canada i^irE :Ila9.i on Tuesday, hrove.!nb2r <br />1, 19>j, at 7.30 P,?~lf> T}ie following Council members wea:'e present: <br />Louis 'dd~ i'Jelancon, IU,ayor; Ed ]..oeff?.er, Carl Spooner, <br />John Vita.t.e, .ls'its'teesm <br />Roy I'e Ne<leavt, Clerh:, was absentm <br />Assistant Clerk, Louis .7e.sperson, <br />Building Inspectors <br />Also present. were ilJal.ter Coenen, <br />Road Supervisor, arad Oscar Londin, <br />'line mims'tes th.e rizeting of October l~_th a.nd tvJo <br />special meetings o:(' October lii;h a.nd Octoi:~er 1'jth lucre read and ap- <br />proved. lUrs Spoones'~ inent.ioned that t.l'ie reference .in th.e Octoi~er i~_t.h <br />minutes to tine suggestion of .less Charl>ent?.er that on-,ale l.icenees <br />br;; requis'ed to carry liability insurance might be extended, No mo- <br />tion eras ;, however, to change the rn%mztes and' the rnat.ter was re- <br />ferred to th.e. Village Attorney, <br />Upon motion by Loerller, seconded by Spooner, it was <br />"RESOLVED, 't`hat, the sum of Five '1'h.oizsari.c9 and <br />OO~;t00 (;>'a',000. 00) ?>e trans:ierned .hors the General <br />1Fund o:f the Village to the Road end Bridge 1*und." <br />Ayes t;_ Nays w 0 <br />The resollstion was adoptede <br />Upon motion by Spooner, seconded by i,r.,effles°, i4. ,A~a> <br />"RESOL.1Jl~;~, Tt~iat the regular Village Council <br />rneetinll for Decesu~ber ;ae and is hereby set for tl'ie <br />13th. of December at 7:30 p,nn, 1~ecatsse th.e General. <br />Village t'i_ec~tion occu~i°s on ilia ~'i.rst Tuesday which <br />is the regular meeting night." <br />Ayes - ii. Ploys - 0 <br />'lhe r~;solut.3ora vaa> adopteds <br />Upon motion by Loc;ffler, sc;co2~ded by Vitale, .it was <br />°RESOLVLa), That tl'ie l.ittie Canada Public School <br />be ana is hereby dca[gri.a.t.ed as i~,he polling place <br />for tl~ae regular village election~n <br />Ayes ~- 1~, i\(ays •- 0 <br />The resolutioaz vra.s adoptc;.d~ <br /> <br />