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12-13-55 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
12-13-55 Council Minutes
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Regular iUteeting - December 13, 195`; <br />Upon motion by Vitale, seconded by Spooner, it was <br />"RESOLVED, "That the Clerli be and is hereby <br />authorized to transfer ~~2,100.00 from the General <br />fund to the Fire fund." <br />Ayes _ 1.~. A~ays - 0 <br />The resolution was adopted. <br />Alr. Memrner reported to the Council the fact that Mr. i"ack- <br />lam on Lal3ore Road is using his premises i'or a jun7t yard. <br />Upon motion by Spooner, seconded by Vitale, it was <br />"RESOLVED, That Mr. 1'ac}tiam be notified that <br />he mvzst clean up his premises by May 1, 1956 and <br />tha.i thereafter no further ,junlt operations wi11 <br />be per.mitt,e.d." <br />Aye s - !; Nays - 0 <br />The resolution was a.dopte<]. <br />The Clark explained that ~C.he Village owns the property on <br />which the Flee 1-Ia11 is located; also that the Fire Hall itself and <br />all of the equipment was purchased and paid for by the Little Canada <br />Volunteer Fire Department, a Minnesota corporation. 11e also explained <br />i;i~at recently the Fire Department has bought additional land con- <br />sisting of thirty-five feet (3; ft.) on the Fast side of the present <br />property of the Village and twenty-five feet (?~ ft.) on tiro South <br />side. 'Che Fire Department. has paid approxinaat.ely 1717.,000.00 for this <br />land and has submii;ted the fol7.owing proposal to the Village: That <br />the Fire Department wi11 convey this additi.onai land to the Village <br />and the Fire Department wi7.1 also construct at ii.s expense an addi- <br />tion to the Fire 11a11 wlrich will. be used as a meeting room. In return <br />for conveyi.ny the land 'to the Village the Tire Department wants the <br />Village to grant the Tire Department a fifty-year lease on the premises. <br />'Phis rnat.ter was discussed at lengt7r and upon motion by Vitale, seconded <br />by Spooner, it was <br />"RESOLVED, 'C}zat the Village does hereby accept <br />the additional. property from t.1~e Tire Department and <br />also authorizes the preparation of a fifty-year <br />).ease on the premises, to be executed by the Vil- <br />lage officials. The Village Attorney is hereby in- <br />structed to draft the necessary deed and lease t.o <br />accomplish t;he intentions of the Village .and the <br />Fire Department." <br />Ayes _ )_~ Nays - 0 <br />The resolutionx was adopted. <br />Upoz: motion by Nadeau, seconded by Spooner, it wa.s <br />"RESOLVED, 'Chat t.h.e Road Supervisor, ltflr. Louis <br />Jespers. be and is her°eby authori d and instructed <br />- (Y - <br />
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