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nnlNlrrx;;s of 'ra~IZ; nnt;:>'rlaac <br />or Tstl; vILS.ACr1: couaaclL of Tatr•; <br />VI:I.LAG~ CF L.:LT'Pl,r CANP~A <br />~ ~ ~;< <br />The reg~ul.a.r oP the Coutxcil o'L ~i:he Village of Lit1a.e Canada was <br />held at i:he Little Canada Fare Stall on Sareduesday, October 8, 1.958, a'C 7:30 T%.7vY. <br />'rhe Poll.owinp; Council members were present: <br />Lova,s w. Mel.atxeott, A~layor; ltoy P. Nadeau, Cleric; <br />Ldwarci K. T.oeLiler, Carl Spooner, John L4. Vitale, <br />'.L'rusi;ees. <br />Alsopresent wet°e Fred P. PvSemmer, Village Attox•ney; Oscux• F. a,ondira, Suildin~-- Inspec- <br />tor; and fouls Jespersen, 1Zoaci Superinteucieni;. <br />read. <br />PIlit~tui;es oP t:he regular meeY.a,ug oP ~irpt.ernber 1.0, 1958 were approved a.s <br />The Clerlc brot.ughi 'ro the attontion of the Comxcil. 4:he~ kae,t that the canes <br />for i;he A4inne sot:a Leap~ve oC l~4unieipa.lities are ar'ai.n due in the amount: oP X150.00. <br />'There was home di.scusSion as 'CO what ~ralue, :i2' any, the V1lla~;e a~P Li.ttle Carxada <br />could obi; ».i.n out of i;his membership. <br />Upon motion by Spooner, secoeided by LoeiPler, i.t was <br />~~I2Y?SCLVI:D, That the membership in the Iollnne sofa League of <br />Ttiunicipalities be :foz~~C.hwi_tb t<ttvminai:ed and that. the Clerlc so <br />notA3'y i:he League.' <br />Ayes ••., •~ J Nays "-° O <br />The resolnt9.on was adopted. <br />submitted: <br />Upon motJ.on by Vitale, seconded by I.oe>Tler, the following Ordinance was <br />Oa2DINP.IdCT: ~r2£> <br />AN ORDITdRi~'CJS llltkliND'f.NG OLiDSNRNCI: X19 NNTI'PLPD, °AN UDDIIVANCL' <br />L8T9$T,ISIIING, AMl'LIEYSaQG AND t2LVISTNe 1'aar 13TJlI,DING Co.D>;; <br />CTtL'A'rING AND CONTINUING 'rI~TN 01?FICA's OP' fiUILllING INSPPCTCIZ; <br />VAJ IDlt.TING /?7~L Pa:FiMI'r5 ISSUED AND CONS'rItUCTICN P,UTItCail'LI:D <br />UIQDFR T1ii~' CCDI? ftEI.ETOFOft7: EXISTING AND P.EI'PIA.T,ING ztE,SOLUTIONB, <br />O[tDINANCT:S Olt PAR'r> 'raiER:CtOF INCCNSIS'l`1314"'P IlEI2E4Vl'lat,° <br />'rkzo Council. oxplai.nod iata~f: 9.t this ordl.nance necessary iex order to pre <br />serve th.e character oP any neighlaorhood in i;he Viltage where the average lot size <br />e;cceeds the rn:i.nimum l.ot s:i.ze provided for in tl.2e 13uild7.rxg Code> It wt¢s ;f~_'15. shat. <br />:Pail.ure to P~iavo ,uch a provision makes it irnposs9.bie fox° tkxe Cottt~tcil i;o dgny a t~uilr3-- <br /> perna3,t application when th<, urani:ing' of. such. a permit could very yell result i.n <br />loss of value: to adjoin9.n;~ properties, 'rlxe a7ayox asked. the Clerlc ~P;o ca:ll th¢ roll. <br />'r'.ae roll Px:in;?; called, there were ;pye,,, 5, and Nays 0, asfol.lows: <br />