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n1INn'r>;s oF• sp cIAL Mz>;Tlxr. <br />OF' 'ri{i's VILI,AG7: COONCIL OF <br />TFiL++' VILLAGE' Oh LITTLE CANP.LIA <br /> <br />Pursuant to call, a special. meeting of the Council. of. the Vi1lag~e of <br />S,iti:le Canada was held tVednesday, hfarch `L5, 1959, at 1, 30 p.m. ai. i:he lire Hall <br />at 440 R, hittlc; Canada Road. 'The Following Council. members were present: <br />Louis C9. p~lelancon, Mayor; lYalter P'. Coenen., Clerk; Edward R. <br />I:oefl'].er, Carl Spooner, and Joht± AT. Vitale, 'Prustc:es. <br />'L'he Clerk presented a drawing- which h.e had received i`t^om tlxe Ramsey <br />County Plat Commission, proposing the platting oi' ceri:ait~t property at: Lakeshore <br />Avenue tvxd Austrailian Avenue, to be inxown as LaBOre Add:i.tion. <br />Sin.c:e this i.s a proposed new plat, and since it does uoi: conform to the <br />Village Building- Code with respec'C i;o lot sizes, the Clem was ].n.structed to return <br />the plat to t:he Ramsey Councy Plat C:rnnmi.ssion with a letter c;~plaining why :i.i: canna(; <br />be considered and also a copy of the language of the Code, relative to <br />lot sizes, ' <br />pursuant to resolution adopted ai: i;he March, a hearing was <br />announced by t:he .Mayor f wr the purpose oY considering the re-zoning oi' certain <br />p.roperi;y owned by Bohn Carditxa:t.. 'Phe Clex^k repori:ed that he had posxed not:i.ces <br />o;t' heari.uq~ in i:ht•ee places, as reriuired by i:he 'Coning Law, <br />Mayor Me].ancou announced that the kxe;a.ring was now open :Cor the purpose <br />oi' considex• petitioners and oppoxxen'Cs for re-zoning oi' property owned by ,john <br />Cardinal on the North side aL Lii:Cle Canada Road between Rice fit.reot and the Soo Line <br />Railroad, The. Cleric x°eported that this property is being purchased from the <br />Cardinals by a new owner t~dxo will construct on the premises, a large bow:litxg alley. <br />No persons appeared in opppsii:i_on, <br />Upon mo~t:iou by Spooner, seconded by I,oei.'fler, it was <br />°RS:SOLVI;D, 'that the property dc-~scribcd as: <br />East 4:38 :f.t, of that part of the NWT of the <br />SSY~ of Section 6, Township 29, Range 22, lying <br />north of Little; Canada Road, exoept the Soath <br />l7G ft, of i;he .Nest ].11 :feet i;hereoi'. <br />be and i.s horeby re-zoned i':rom L''arru Residential to Commercial <br />subject, howevor, to the restriction Chat tho Commercial use <br />to be made of this prope'r'Cy would be for 9'-bowling alloy or <br />shopping ceni:er only, and that tine Conncil. Otill. grant uo bui.ldin@; <br />permit for any other type of Coimnerclal use. <br />Ayes - 5 Nays - 0 <br />'Phe resolution was adopted, <br />The Cleric read a proposed Ordinance :Cor the esi:ab:L.islnneut of a planning <br />Conmt].ssion. A:.tex• some discussion, this matter was laid over unti.]. the regular <br />