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MINUTES or THE mtEETxNG <br />of 'ruF, vxLr,AGE covNrxL or T1iE <br />VILLAGE of L1TTL6: CANADA <br />~ ~ <br />The meeting of t]ae Council. of t}xe Village of Little Canada, was <br />held at the Litttle Canada Fire hall on Wednesday, September 9, 7.959 at 7:30 p,m. The <br />f.oll.owing Council Memlaers were present: <br />Louis W. Mel.ancon, Mayor; tvalter F. Coenen, Clerk; <br />Edward R. Loeffler, and Carl Spooner, 'Prttstces. <br />John llt, Vita:Le, 'Prustc:c;, was absent. Also present wore Iti.ehard Boss, <br />'Preasure;r, Fred P. fvlemmer, Attorney, Oscar Londin, xildg. Inspector, and. Louis Jesperseu, <br />Roan Supex•intendent, <br />liinutes of the• meeting of August ].2 and the Special Meeting of <br />Attgust 21, were approved as read, <br />The Clerk read a petition from residents on Arlcwrig9xt Stx•eet, asking for <br />certain street work to be done. R4r. lion Sether of 21S~1 Arkwright, was spokesman. for <br />the petitioners. lfe was assured that the chuckholes i.ntixe street would be patelxed, <br />4'.hat a Stop sign would be installed at Couni;y Road 13 and Ax•lcwx^ight and a Slow si.g;n <br />xvoul.d be installed on Arkwright Street, <br />The Clerk was instructed to request the County tc insta7.1 an Arc Lighi: <br />at Cout~xty Road $ and Arkwright, and also to order the Northertx States Power Company <br />to install an Arc Light at Laurie Pond and Arlovright Street, <br />Mrs. Delores l~,i>an of Viking llrive, appeared with refer4nce to the const- <br />x•uction of. Mirxnesota Avenue. The Village Engineer reported with a detailed estimate of <br />cost of such eonstruci:ion,• sjl.0,OG1.35, After some discussion, it was decided <br />that the Egans would attempt tm eonvince the:~nei.gtxbors tha~l; the street should be built <br />and to thereafter. bring a petition i;o the Council. <br />&ir. George Weber and ~1~ir. ht:ilton F3ohn appeared be:Pore the Council anti. <br />explained the now proposal :for the 5heri.ff°5 office i:o provide local police protection. <br />Upon mot9.on by Loeffler, seconded by Coenen, it was <br />"PEROr,t/13D, f:hai: f:he Village commence exel;'ot.i.ati.ons with <br />'the Sheriff°s Office for the purpose o:f working ouf: a contract <br />for police service," <br />Ayes - ~ Nays - 0 <br />TPte x•esolution was adopted, <br />V7r. lx•ed Suess of 321 l..i.tiae Canada Poad, and &lrs. Schulz, both citizens <br />of the Village l,tre,sented a proposal fm• a recreation program within the Village. Tlxey <br />said 'that the Vi7.7.ame, Council. ought to provide same financial a7.d for tlxi.s work. Tkxey <br />indicated that a meeting of about 30 citizens were all. of this opinion, 'they were advised <br />by 4:he Council. to cozxtinue tkxeir work as a group, and when they finally have some <br /> plan :figured out, to bring ~i.t before the Council to see ixow, if i.n any way the <br />Council can grant financial. support. <br />