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<br />`i:PI?CLLI: Pr^;ll~T71?G <br />A specs a1 rneei in« of the Counci-7. of the F:i.].la~r. of Tr tale Caaad~~. was held. <br />.at the ii.tt7e (;. <br />~irdno d.E..,,~, A.pril na,da, r'ire <br />6,b 7.960, Depa,r'trnent i3ui1_d-inr~;9 q¢0 1i.~l;tle Canada <br />pu~r,ira•n{; to ^, call. t'o:r sa,;i.d moe~tir~ i.,.,s Tloa.d; <br />ued by a,t 7030 P.I:4. <br />tl'ia P.4a;rgr. <br />.. <br />1'resen! ~ue:re~ L. ITe7.~r rnr• ';:'. Cocrnen; J. ~Ti:Bales C. ~;nooner.; <br />~7he Tvia,;oi° oral-:Led. 1;he ru<i,i.r~,• i;o order and :reo~in,<r o:(' the minuie. ~.-,er~e d, :.r.,ene•ed. <br />witkr, 'he Prlr~~ror bher in:brod~rcod A?r. ~3orden and. B4c< ,rlris•es trho a,re ,eekirr,~ ; <br />Co hui.l.d a, tr.~~.ler .^..ou^1 Prir. T3ord.en r•>:ve the ^.,udi.ence a, z r~~,.:r;;r of ',he:i.r p o„rrm <br />far err etin;~>; Sra;i"I_er eor.irt, ine7.u.d , r 1~1sn:.; cost, number o:f uni_ts, otn. <br />Adr. JoY~n T:!cI'a,r ~ ~.n, 2.i7I ornor~ e~rm.,~~:birlr, "x•. ',areT-1 s, ,.r>)red for. the floor. TTe <br />first e.zhmi-I;tn,d ^. ],i-e~C of pro,erL,y ernes svrround:i.r~~r -the 30l_0 trailer corr.z°t who <br />a,re an^,,i.nsb a nnw cou:ri; beirz-; bui't. [Te expl.a_ned. fhc la.~: ,etup for t:r:a:iler ecurt;s <br />~.nd- Pro also ^I~ted. that rri.~Ch ,=ro~bh,er' court, i;he popuLa.izen o,f i,he i;wo courts coua.d. <br />become so ;;.real th„a 11,ey co'u1d. control ~ihe ~roi;e i.n the ~t7i.lTase. TTe ci.t;ed Lwe cases <br />in ]';Limleaota: vrhere t:r<aa.ler cnvri;s have ~.roerr! bo 1;1?s exl,ent ch.a,i; bhoy became incorpo~a'ted <br />~.nd i sued ih<~i_:r orris 7.ipuor T. r.r,enses (Ia,.rd:fa~7 Trailer Cou:r,t r.nd the a~.l.l.too 9.'ra,iler <br />pourt~. qe -,,1„0 ~ta:f,e. ?,h~r,i: lraa_ler rasp would- possibly re?reseni; 30,E of the <br />wcter, i°r ~I;he rT,„gym. }fie o~,uti.oned the Courrci_7 wi~t1: ce.f.'erence to sewage di .nosalr <br />r.<a.i;er. no]luti~n.9 etc, ?e then I>rou>lat out 1J,e safer; t~.clx,r of caaos,ing 1;he ~a?.:i_l.road <br />traoks a,nd sad.d h~ drnrhl;ed nnc~al,hc;r the ra~7.:road would. put sr~;r~als t,i; i;he crossings. <br />rre as;l:ed i;he Cor,r.c:i1 i;o consider •r71 ~h.e,^,e fe,ct.^, before any <br />'9'c. '.?nh ^n~np'es 2666 :iyd{mrt,on ;heel;; ,pnoa,rod before the Council vai.i;h a. <br />Pe1;:i.~tion wii,h 7~, ;i~~a,l„re^> of lreop:te :i_n 7aii,l,le Can.~,da v,,ho :^e opposed to another <br />~tra_ilrrr ~ov_rt. ITe st~,l;ect ~thaL ]vo rror,.t from door to door for ,,~srors f,'or, the ?'eti.ton~ <br />tlaa.t ho di.dn' l; enGO~tnber ono gersgn tr,~. favor o£ an. additioa~al t,rai.ler oorart, $i.s <br />objoet9.ons were sirn:i.lar 'to whaa I°;ir, P,4cPa.rl:~,n }ta.d oublined> .Appearing• vrith Plir> Pfienge <br />were IVIr, ~l'al.ter Foote and ioTr, Joe Hacker. They also spoke a.,ga.ins{; another trailer <br />ca„np. <br />Mr, Henry l~uoi; a,1so spoke ar;a,insb es~ab7ishinl;• another. couri;, Nis oY>jecti.ons <br />vre:re si.milta.r to those v*h.o a,pneared at~c=ad of him... <br />~;t flue 1_ioi.nt, .John V~.~.a7e slated he d:Ldn.'t ~ra,r~i; to ~o ~~r•izrat !.he ~nsher of <br />t1r.e ne ople oP the Vi.l l z„e and her then nr<^,.d.o ~rotion to wi.~thdraw stio:nl r cation .for. a, <br />T?por. T:otisrn b ~ g tc,.7.ey seconded- Tay nooner9 a t eras <br />21~7507,`TG;p, to tri i r?.~ra„~ the appl i.<,ati o,• fnr a, trc,i ler court. <br />rt'e e - 5 Pln ,r s -- 0 <br />T'r~on i"o',;on b}* `ivoorery socondod, 'by 7 or'f:(':Ler, i ~t rr.^s <br />",SCLVr~D, ""gab 1;he r•-n~~bcr. nr 1 ~r?,i1er c.oiuf;^ i.. the rrl' ~.;*e of li.t;T:1e 'an~idr. <br />:vou~.d be lim'cd. to ihn ,pro.^~r.n~, tcao, <br />A,ro . _. ~ i1 r ~.~~ 0 ` ~ no. <br />'Jpnn n~oti-on-'b .;El~a.e<<,, seoo'lded by I~effloc, rr' , a't t3^~0 r;[> <br />t tr-~!~ . <br />~~° _. ~ ~.r.. ._. <br />I~ray<rr. <br />"Ir l l c r ;, C omen; rl exk.~~ ~~~ <br />