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~-IrnTuT;;'s or ~rl,r<., sP>;r,1nL Pt a'. ,_i~-cX <br />CIS `i'IIL VT.I,LAGI+.; CG eC7=L 0-~ `PT?;a <br />~T CLLh.",P GP LI'.L'.1'LT C;;P?ADh <br />~< ~ x~ m x' <br />'i'he special ~neet:ing of the Council of the V~,llazie or Kittle <br />Caxzada. was lzelcl. at the Little Canada. i~'ire I-all on ?eb, ?_2y 1961 ai <br />6:30 P.M. The Council rne:nbers were present; <br />L. Gd. I~4elancong bia.~>or; 7rJalter Coen.en9 Clerks Jo n. Vitale9 <br />Carl. Spooner' Ld Loefrler9 trustees. <br />also prese~t9 Oscar Londin, Bldg. ~-nspector <br />'rile meeting was called to order ~by Na.yor I~lelancoxz. <br />Plr. ?~'aclvlan oi' Latitore lioad presented. himself' 'to i;he Council <br />a.nd asked permission to move a. Y~ouse he I?a.d purc'rased.9 on. the <br />last seventy-nine feet of h:i_s property. Iie stated that on tiro <br />previous occasions' he had been granted perrn:i.ssion to erect a house <br />on t'_is property, but due to some reasons he 'a.iled to do <br />so. <br />I~ir. Ernest Lhnstrom9 owner ofi' the ;oroperty Bast o1' I?aclcland <br /> opposition i;o this matter and cautioned. the Council as 'to <br />a,ny relaxation to 1;he Buildin~~ G'ode as l:e did not consider this a <br />l~~ardsl:ip case as ey;,la..'uled in the Bzzild.:i.n.~t Code. <br />After considerable discussion by the Council ax;d rne>nzbers or <br />the aud.:icnce9 Vitale rnoved~ seconcl.ed by Coenen~ lair. i'acl~land be <br />granted. a pormit to move a. house' on the '79.?_ ft of the Last Kali of <br />Tract C, Section 5~ Town 29~ ~a,ne 2.2~ Lying Plorth of La.3ore9 <br />provided. he lirs't submit three certificates of survey, that he can» <br />not a d.taellin.g oz: ;he rema.i.ning piece of property; this restriction <br />to he recorded on the Deed a.nd. reg:i.stered a.t the Court I:rouse. TIe must <br />also provide ada.qua.te sewago d_esnosal ror trais 1:ouse as deterrn:i.ned <br />by the Building Inspector. To these ter.ras~ Nr and hIrs. Fachlarzd agreed< <br />Dyes - > A7ays - 0 <br />Upon ;notion by Vitale' seconded b~* Loezfler~ the <br />adjourned at f3t00 P.B1. <br />lies cct~ally ~uY~~~tted~ <br />%~ ~ Clerk <br />Ai;tests <br />T~iayor <br />