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09-13-61 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
09-13-61 Council Minutes
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r;11rU'I''.3 0? C4. ~, ;ZiiC Ul,ti . ~:; f;Pl::6i(= <br />0~~' '19d„ ~7.t:L:LrtG;e; CCiIiS~C:1:L O:i? '.Piar~i <br />V1::Gl,hG QC+' :l:~:C'1"i');1+; C_~Sf.i;:i)I; <br />.g- .y,- .3F .). <br />''-L'he xegu7.a:z• meeting of 'the Coiuze:i.:1 oi' i;lie ViJ.1aE;c: 01 :Lit l;l.e Canada-, rra held <br />ai, the .Gil,tle C•n,nads, ,.s:re :t:a,ll, !{./.0 :" a t,S.ttle Canada :i~toad, on Septenioer :13, 7.96]. at <br />gs30 _~<:t^ 9'he I'ol:Lovrin.€; Counci.:1 nternuers ^.vere presents <br /> FI :elarzcorz9 iiia}~'or., ?'?alto. 1„ Coenen9 C:Lerlt; Isd.war.'d.:f,oe.f'f1e.r9 Ca:c•1. <br />Spoonery acid John V':i,tal.e9 '1:'rusteese <br />rl1 so presen~b were. :L':;^ederick :Pa ivemnier, V:i_lJ_age A~b~tor..neyg .i~ouis Jespersoii., <br />ltoa.d airpe:rvisor9 ti_chard 7soss9 'P.xoasure:r.g and Csca:r :Lond.in9 :i3uilding <br />L:nspecto:r< <br />ll'kze minutes of the llu¢ust 9 werE: a,pp.roved. as rcad^ <br />i~ro John Sm:i.'th of 52 Jl, liitt:le Canada k2oad9 appeared. be:('oro the Comac:il and- <br />sba:bed that he 9_s concerned crb<rua the :fac,'t that the County :i:; pwnpin<<~; vrato:c into <br />}iotnd :[,akea I'3:e ic;ars that i£ tb.e lake geis too high :it wi.1.1- %lood ltis baseanent, <br />9'he Courzci:L at;n~eed to check this matter 4•J:ith. tkze Cotmty< <br />The Clerlc s•cad a :Letter From u;, J, :isleCubrey9 ki':iL;hl*ray Department District <br />Jn~;ineer9 rei'ercnce 'to the pedesb.r.:iarz overpass over Demoxzt Stree'to Thais letter <br />was planed oii £:i.le^ <br />''-1'he ?;7_erlc :read a letter :received 1'x•orn Deane .iznklan.9 County Lizra,••9 ti~rh:ich was <br />a, co:p;,r o1" a letter. to 5, J~ iJicCub:rey, District _;nl;i_neer9 pe:rta:i.n:i:ag 'to tkie ;xade <br />changes• made oiz l;i.ttle C~.u~.ada ':load and Cenae.rvil.:Le ltoado <br />i7pon mot:i.on. uy poone:r.9 seoond.ed by a,oeza].e:r9 it eras <br />"1?JSChlrl;ll9 that the Village 11 to:rney by and. is hereby instruoted to <br />wri~be a le tte:r. 'bo bo bh tlz~ District i~t;ineer o:C' tnc k'.i.ghway Depa.r bment <br />and the County :C;ng9.nee:r9 reckues'tisig• that cu:rbing 'be 1>-laced. on I:~ittle <br />Canada Goad, faaorn the. uastea^ly ed„e o£ the Iligbsray 3y,' rrte rchange done <br />to Cexitexvil:lc :i3oad. on both. sides of Lii;tl.e Ca-nesda 7.Zoad so -that the <br />wntiter inuu~ring o:C`f Li'bt].e Canada ldoad will_ not :run i.n:bo the yards whe:re <br />the ~;,aade been :ca.i;;ed.^ <br />tzyes -- 5 7Vays - C <br />'1'he resolution was adopted <br />'1'he Clerk rend :~, letter :r.•eceiwed. from io;ro De ])e tiVoziii.a.l<:, '.Ph:i.s :Letter i~ras placed <br />o:n :f:iJ_e, <br />[['he C7.carlc read. a letter.' from the County :~; a :re.port £-rom 'the <br />G:i.llage as 'bo the nwzioer of miles o£ '(Ti:l.:Lage streets in. :Little Canada^ lC'he Road <br />~3uperinten.dent u~as :ins'truc'ted. 'to obtain 'the mileage Pigu:res and. io:evJard th<; iiz:f'orrna- <br />tion to the County, <br />'ache Clerk r,•oad a petition £roizi residents on Condit Street .-cequestirzg that 'the <br />Northerly end oT (:oi2dib .9treet bc; con.n.ected with. Gotmtaay 7)rive so that tb.ese people <br />can have mail delivery direct to their homes instead oS havixig• the mail. ca:rric3:r. stop <br />as sl:L ;?gad and Condit St-:ceet~ <br />
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