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09-21-61 Council Special Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
09-21-61 Council Special Minutes
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8/7/2008 11:52:51 AM
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!rc1:Ci~U'.1!1~;a O:i? `i'l~Gs ;:i:Pi3C:1:\I; i~tii;li'1':iJ~~G <br />O:e' '.C:i3is V]:TI:a~E7S;J C007trC:i::L 01'' 'i'.[L;•; <br />1I7~1,ti,G:is Oi+' :i,:i:9."1:G'i; Cilt~ADA <br />„ ~;- <br />':Phe special meeting o£ 'the Couxxcil of the «illa•ge of :Little Canada wa•s held <br />at the Little :;anada Ji'ire Uia:11y qt}0 Pl. liitt:ie Canada lioa.d, on Se~oteaiber 219 19~a. <br />at 6e30 I'.N, T.he Cowzci_l rteanba;:rs wore presents <br />I;oui_s -:`! liiel<xn.con, 1/[ayo r., 'dlal-ber• 1';. Coenen9 Clorlcg ]ildward. Log C:fler sutid. Jolxn <br />Vit;a:Le9 'i'a~ixstees~ <br />I,.bseirt rs~as Car.~l S.poonery True~bee. <br />'J'he }•'i.ayo.-c explained thab bhis species]. meeting had been called i'.or the purpose <br />of hear:infs Robert 7ia:cwin of 2f3'j9 Tlad.eau lt.oad9 vrho was asking that i;h.c. Coun.c:il g:ran.b <br />hirn permission to bui7_d a house on :Lots 3 anal 4 in :131ock: 1 of Soat?~m;ilopes9 there <br />be:Lrx.~; no street a;ou:bting the said lots a:b the present time. <br />i?'.ir. 13obert :farwin appeared before tha Council. and explained that he desired to <br />obtain a bui.l.ding pernrit9 although his property is n.ot served by a, street, Pie <br />ex:p] ai.xLed that the nrope-rty i.s 'fives b of the end_ of ~radeau Road whero Nadeau 73oad ends <br />at Coruti.t Street. Pa::e, Daa^rri:n agreed 'that he wou:1.d .for wh.n;teve:c the Council <br />required :rn orde:r to give nim special. consideration. l:t was e:x.plained to h:i.m that <br />he wotz:ld have bo p:covide his own. drive-way From the end oC the present street aatid <br />that- he vrould..ttave to maintain. hi.s own dt!.rc,va'ay~ :!ceeu the snow :plowed axad thrat he <br />cou:Ld noi; expect a.ny mainae~sance S:rom the vi:1].ageo lie was also advised that <br />wotxa.d l~r.ave toagree 'to waive o'bjectiart t-o an~* assessments i.f the Council. ever decided <br />to cons~bx•uct stn e:xteneion 'to :Pladea'u Road, <br />Upon motion by l;oe£zlex•y seconded by V:ita]_e9 it eras <br />"Pa;SOLVLT)9 bhat a bui.].ding permit be g;:ranted to 1e}rs. ~tut.e ';de:in.aaas aatid <br />13obert :Dareei.n9 contract purchaser, providing• that- they vrould sign 'the <br />a~;•.reemexit reyuix•ed b;y the t1:il:Lage9 to be prepared by bhe 'Vi1:1aFie <br />t?tto:rne;y anal Further that 'the said applicants woula pay ;y>2j.00 as the <br />cost for,• drawing such a~gnreement anal rerord:i.xrg same :i_n. the orPice oi' <br />the Ne;;istec o~'. Deeds. <br />Ayes-4 Nays-0 <br />LChe resolution eras adopted, <br />Upon rnob:i_on by Coertex~, seconded by V:itale9 the meeting adjourned at 7x00 P.P:'.. <br />fill tL':i'L o <br />.'~ayor <br />Respect`b.lly ubmittrd ~ <br />i / <br />:. <br />~~~lr ~~~ ~~-~2~ <br />w.~ ~~. ~~'~-__. _____.__._.__~~__ <br />Clerk. <br />
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