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Regular I14eeting• - January 109 1862 <br />Upon motion byr Vitale9 seconded by Loe1'fler9 it was <br />"I3LSOLVLD9 That Dr. Ostergren be and is hereby designated Health <br />Officer fo-r the "Vi.llage for the year 1962. <br />Ayes-4 l4ays-0 <br />'1'he resolut:i.on t^ras adopted. <br />Upon motion by 'Vi'tale9 seconded by Loeffler9 it i~ras <br />"Iti~SOLV`~D9 that iViye:cs Prattalone be and is hereby designated as <br />lleputy health Of:Cicer fo.r 'I;l'xe Village fo-r the year 1862." <br />Ayes-¢ I~Tays-0 <br />The resolub:i.on was adopted, <br />Upon motion by +Ti~tale9 seconded by Looffler9 it was <br />"fiPSOLV;D9 that the Cle:rlc was aubhorized to prowidc9 at the expense <br />of the Vi:112:ge9 the surety bond;; required by :Lary for, -the. various <br />of:fic:ials herein des:i_gaated and appointed." <br />Aye,a - /i. i4ays - 0 <br />[i'he resolution. ~-ras a,dopte:d> <br />The i,Tayor announcc;d that naith x•e;ference to the vacancy on the Council9 attyone <br />wishing to be considered should send a lette:c to the Clerlc and that the Council <br />wi7.1 malco an. appointrnen.t ab a later date, <br />Upon tnotion, bybLoeffler9 seconded. by Vitale9 it was <br />"l?i;SOliVL':i)9 that the follovuing• bills are hereby approved_ for payrnento <br />?_'206 Pi..rst State i3anli ..................................>.,..So 8.78 <br />2207 L. G. Jespersen ..................>...,...<,...<.....,.. ¢0.18 <br />2208 L. G. J"esper:;en.........>..,..> ..................>..... 82,50 <br />2209 Richard .~1uge,........,.> ........................>..<.,. 7.00 <br />2210 Joe Auge ........................<,,.,.,.,...,......,.., 4.5.50 <br />'2211 Gregory Iloule ..................>.,..,.,.,.,..,........, ].5.75 <br />22:12 Brings 8: Co ..............>...,...........>..,..,....... 65.00 <br />2213 Oscar 1''. Londitt„ ................>,,................... [8.00 <br />221}. 'Vernon G. Christensen.......<...,.....> ................ /x.7.00 <br />'L215 I'rederi.clc P. 1:'lenmtero ....... > . , ..... , .. > ................ 4.5.00 <br />2216 Northern States Pota~er Co...........,>.....>............ 20.00 <br />221'7 Ramsey County Review ................................... 27.25 <br />227.8 P,'Siller-Davis Co,..........< .................>.......... 10.00 <br />227.8 Garceau Fta-rdware ....................................... 3g.47 <br />2220 L, hd. P,lelancon.,,..< ................................... 50.00 <br />2221 •v°Jalter Coenen ..........................................100.00 <br />2222 Carl Spooner> .......................................... 32.90 <br />2223 John Vitale ............................................ 32.90 <br />222¢ lid Loeffler ...........................................> 32.90 <br />27.25 Richard 13oss.<...........> ............................. 35.00 <br />222.6 'Vadxtais Heights Oil .................................... 15.63 <br />- J - <br />