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02-14-62 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
02-14-62 Council Minutes
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TndCJ'.i'l~S O]!' !i?l;:' RT;CUh:!~~2 i+I'q)TT?C <br />0!?' '.i?l ; "r:O:,hZaG:f; CGl-iTC1:L OF '1!liI: <br />~r:C:I;:I~C,Ga; Oi~' LlTTh] C;1??.1.:D^s <br />x- x- <br />!C'he regular !ncetin.g of t;2e Council. of the Villa{;e o:f I,i.t't1e Canada9 v7as <br />held at 'bhe ;Sittle Canada Fire llallg ¢40 iG. Little Canada Road., on February 14, <br />].962, at 7x30 P.S;I> '1'he follovring Council members were presents <br />Carl Spooner' 114ayor9 falter h'. Coenen.9 C].erkg Joh:a Vi bale anal Lciward. <br />hoeffler., '1'~-nstees. <br />lllso p-reser?.t weres Predericlc P. 14emmer9 Vi.llag;e ./~ttorney9 Louis Jespersen9 <br />Road "supervisor; iticb.ard :Goss, 'i'reasurer~ aa~-d Oscar I~ond.in9 :duilding <br />lnsp ector. <br />!Ph.e Clerk sadnlinistered the oab:n of office t-o Jose:ph ]lacker9 newly appointed <br />'.L':rustee, <br />Jiee'ting was called to order by the 14ayor at ']e30 P.PI. <br />Upon moti-oil. by Vita].e9 seconded. by Loeffler, it eras <br />"R]i;SO"LV~ll9 that the minutes o:f tYlc :regnzla:r meeting of January 10 and <br />the special meeting of January lj be approved as presented by the <br />C].erlc." <br />byes-5 Slays-O <br />!Ph.e Cle.rlc -read a lette.-r from i~'u„ene llrioniclt concerning preparation; for <br />County and State elections during the year 1967_. '1'he letter i'ras placed on. file. <br />`The Clerk road a ].ebte:r from the Superintendent of <br />llistrict concerning drainage on school property tidest of <br />right of way between llemont `.itreet on. the P]o:rth and Cow <br />proposing that suoh dra,i-:Wage he accomplished by runni-n.g <br />area into Savage T,alce. Thai-s letter eras referred to the <br />:>tudy and S'CpOS't. <br />the Roseville School <br />the Soo Line :ftail.road <br />ity road 3?_ on the South, <br />storm waber L'ronl that <br />Village for <br />The Clerlc read a :Letter from the Board. of County Coamni.ssioncrs i~rhich by <br />its te.rrns again turned d.oc^7n the requrs't for an. arc 1i~;ht on Li.'btle Canada Stoad <br />between. the ``-.2i.ce [cowl and the Soo 1,ine Stailroad tracks. (Phis letter was placed <br />or.. file, <br />`1'lie Cle.rlc read a letter' from the Iforther:n. States l'o~ver Company explaining <br />~bechnicali~bies concerning gas rates charged to consumers. This ].et'ter eras placed <br />on file. <br />!i'he Clerk::rea:d a ].ette:r from the Twin City tt4etropolitan. 1'laml:ing Commission <br />regarding fa:11-oub shelters iF,~itla particular refer.•ence to zoning. This letter ~t~as <br />laid over un.t:i7. the k'eb:ruary meeting. <br />^lhe Clerk .read a letter from the Ramsey County lltunic:ipal Off:ici.als J~ssociation9 <br />requesting that- the Iviayo.r appoint tyro delegates and to alternates to the nevrly es- <br />tablishsd Ramsey County :League of Prlunicipalities, '1' letter was referred to the <br />P,4ayo:r fo:r. further action. <br />
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