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04-11-62 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
04-11-62 Council Minutes
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NLCNU'1'li5 O:E TRL :RLGULAII 1vIE1;'TI'NC <br />OF Till: VTLLAC~ COUNCIL OP '1'II7's <br />ir1LLAGls' OI' LIT`.CLL CANADA <br /> <br />The regular meetinL;• o£ 'the Council. of the Village of Little Canada' was held <br />a't the Liable Canada, 7? I1a17., /.L.O Ph Little Canada road' on iapr:il 7.:L, 1862, at <br />'j:30 P.It4. The fol7.ovring• Council mernbsrs vrere present: <br />Ca:c:l. Spooner, lt4ayory s;ralter L'. Coenen., Cle.rltg John tIi_tale and Joseph lIaclcery <br />'i'ru races. <br />Absent was F'dwa:rd Looftlery 'Trustee. <br />Also present ;rerea Fredex•i.clt :i'. iulemmer, Vi1:Lage .l!ttorne;yg Oscar Londin, <br />tiui.7.di.nt :Inspecto:r.y Richard 13os:>9 fL'reasure:r; Lyle Jespersen' Road Super- <br />visor. <br />IvLi.rnztes of the regular meeting of 1Ta-rch 14, 1862 and the special meeting of <br />1,Ta..rch 2F39 1862 were approved as read. <br />?::-r.. 0, lluf:fman of 40 Iona Lame, appeared before bhe Council to ask permission <br />to erect a fence and also a 'block building on his p:ropert;y. IIe was advised to <br />contact bhe Bu:ildin.g Inspector for a permit, :Iie was also advised bhat no chickens <br />were to be raised on his property. <br />Pfir. vJilliam Rasch:iclt of 58 County Road "C", appeared before the Council with <br />a reques'b to loll his :property 'to a company who would ex'ecb a filling station on <br />the property. '.1'he rnatte.r was turned over 'to the :Planning Commission fo.r. study. <br />]tor. Alfred Nadeau appeared before 'the Council stating 'that he had becn.'bol(1 <br />bhe road. No:rbh of his property connecting Condit Streeb and Country Drive did n.ot <br />belong to hi.m. Its said he had been paying taxes on :it for ¢j years. '1'he Village <br />Attorney recommended the Council refer bhis mother to the Village P,ngineer. <br />it4r. Don Ilaughton, 244?_ Rice ubreet~requested the :Dog Ordinance be .revised. <br />Upon motion by Ilacker9 seconded by Coen.en, it was <br />"I3LSOLVLD9 That 'the ~r:illaee httorney be instructed to revievr the <br />Zri.llage :Dog Ordinance with the possibility of malting i.mprovements." <br />.Ayes - 4 Nays - 0 <br />'i'lze :resoa.ubion was adopted. <br />'1'h.e Clerk read a. letter. :rece:ived from Stanley I'riosi.o in regard bo improvin~;• <br />McItQenemy Road, Council instructed C:Lerk to write ll~ir. Norio a letter advising <br />to direct his request to the Ramsey County;73oard. <br />Clerk read report of Planning Commnission in. answer to Don Valc:nto°s :request <br />bo rezone Lot 'j in 131oc1t 2, :i3oss tt.ddition. from C:l.ass "A" Residential to Class ":(3" <br />Residential in order to build acne-s'L-ory double bungalow. <br />
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