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04-25-62 Council Special Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
04-25-62 Council Special Minutes
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1vi.IiJUIL'PS OI'' TIIli Sl'L'CIt#L l~tl]}.~;'1'lNG <br />Ui~ THl; VSL:LAGT; COUIVClli OI' <br />VTLLAG:O OP' Ll'1'T1;P CAi>iADA. <br />;c..a .~ _~..X <br />11 special meeting of the Council. of the V:CI].age of L:itt:Le Canada was held <br />on VJbdnesday, lip:ri:1 25, 19629 at 8:00 pursuant 'to ca11 of the i;4ayo:r. 'Phe <br />following members of the Council were present: <br />Carl Spooner, iviayor.; Walter Coenen, Clerk; John Vi.ta:Le and Joseph Slacker9 <br />Tx•~zs bees. <br />Absent vras Ldvrard Loeffler, Trustee. <br />Also present was I'rederick I'. lvlemmer, Village Attorney, <br />Pvir., iviemmer read a letter he had sent to 1~4r. Huffman in regard to a building <br />persnlt and chickens. <br />i?qtr. 1:Iuffman stated he had sold. the horse and a:Lso thaC he had got ben rid of <br />his chi-clcens, `i'he new building he vrants to erect would be for garden tools. lle <br />stated he would remove the other two buildings on the property. On the basis of <br />hi.s statements, he vras granted permission 'bo erect a fence and building. <br />Prs~yor Spooner asked the C].erk to read the Dog Ordinance. .lifter some discussion, <br />the Counci]. passed the f.'ol.] resolution. <br />"VJ1IIP,7~]i15, Ordinance ]~To, 21 of the Vi1:Lage of :Gitb:Le Canada provides in SecC:i.on <br />1 thereof that the Villago Council may issue an order p:rc;ventin.g dogs from <br />-runn:ing at large within the Vi11age and requiring that all dogs be kept on <br />t-he premises of the owners or be held on a leash at any time that ;,uch dogs <br />are on any public streets or. any other place away from the ovrners property; <br />:iii; :I[L' 13LSOLVLD, '1' the Council o.f Little Canada does hereby declare that <br />because of the failure of individual do,a owners vrithin the Village to properly <br />recognize their. obligations under bhe Little Canada Dog Ordinance to keep <br />their pets from becoming nuisances 'to others, that the Council does hereby <br />find that it is necessary and does hereby ox•der that all dogs in the Village <br />of Little Canada be leashed or confined 'bo the owners premises throughout <br />L-he entire calendar year, <br />Rh50:LVn7D PUTt`.l'I3L'.R, That the 1;4ayor and the Clorlc are hereby authorized, to <br />procure the services of a dog cabcher for the purpose of picking up a7.7. <br />dogs at large in violation of this orde.c of the Council. <br />PUl?0.'TI);?t, `T'hat the Clerk be and i.s he:reby instruoted to publish this resolu- <br />tion and give all publicity possible to se~:id resolution so that the :resi.den.ts <br />of Little Canada vr:Lll be fu11y informed and will be :in a position to cornply <br />vri'th the lavr." <br />Ayes - 4 iVays - 0 <br />9?he ;resolution vras adopted. <br />
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