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P-i2 D~.~S C" `~"'~~ SPEC,~:.AL i`4~3' TII'G <br />0;~' '~'Ta VT:C,LAG1~ :,"OiA`C7L OPT `L'H~?~ <br />v.LL~.c~~ o ~' Ll~e~er,a, cl~r-nD.n <br /> <br />A Speca.a.l meeti~ag o!' tl:.e Council of l:l':e V:i.llage o:' :l:,:i.tta.e Canada. <br />~aa.s l.eld at tree Litt7.e Canada ~~ire 1ia.119 ~w~40 ;J. ''ittle Canada 13d. <br />1~4a,r 29y 1962, a,~l; `7:30 P.AT. 'S.'he follo~-.ri.n;_r, Council members ~aer.e <br />px°esenC <br />Carl Spoone~~, Z`4ayor9 UJal~ter Coenen.y C1ei°]c~ Jol;n <br />Vi~baley Joe T~acaory Isd J:,oe~_`fler~ trusL-c~es. <br />Also prese~:~.t~ 4.yers '_~'ra.italone9 Police C;l"?.ief. <br />':Che Clerk presented a Sup~>lementa7. Agreetneni; for La.w 3;n- <br />forceme~t rece:i.ved ~°.rom t-:e lla.znsey Counl;y S,'~:cri~:i's 0_?lice. <br />This contract provides for an. adP.itior~.a.1 eight-hou.r sl~~ift to <br />corn~l.e~be 'round tl~e c7.oc1: serv:lce for the "Village. <br />Upon ;,lotion by Tiac'_:er9 seconded by LoIIf:fler~ it ta<as <br />°7:3eso7_ved' that; 'cn.e contract be acce,r~ted9 lined <br />a.nd returned to "the Si~erift's Dept.,' <br />Ayos - 5 Nays m 0 <br />1',he :ceso].ution taas adopted. <br />The C1e.ric presented a~.~. ap;glica.ti.on for on a~"id o:ff-sale <br />3.2 T3~aer 15.cex~sey a.nuse,tte~it and r,:i.g~irel;te License received. <br />:Crorn Mr. Dean 1vic~7..lister a:nd h°tr. James Lundberg. '1"hey plan. to <br /> The Ri ce ~3oor1 L~~nes on L.i.~tiae Csi.r,.ada :i;oa_d. <br />Upon motion. b;~ Vitale seconded by Lovffler~ it eras <br />"i3eso7_ved9 that tl~e C7.e;rk be ~arid is hereby authorized. <br />to issue az~ On.-:S~~le9 Off~Sale 3.2 bear 7.5.cense y <br />zse;aent license aix~. ~ c:i.gare~te 7.icense 'o <br />a.i~P <br />2•r. Dean 2cAl]_istc>r and Jailes Lunduer„ :nor use at <br />61 PJ. Li ~ tle Canada. :4oa d. <br />.Ayes - j Pays - 0 <br />`.Cl:e reso7.ution taa,°t adope;d. <br />~.i.'ile %le.l'ii I'ead. a. 1G't;'i; E; Y' 1'C'Cel. VBd ~'. rOi1 ~i: i"i8 i]a":llE;y i.'OU1.7tf <br />"L~a?;ue o~ 1lurzic~»::1_i~~es ~~r, i,?"' reference to selc~ct~a~„ an. :ina.i.- <br />viaual a,~ a .~ie~~toer o~ the Storm Se~~rer Study CO.1Ltl.~;10n. Thais <br />letter iaa.s re:"erred io i;l"~e V:il1.,€;e: i~~n; ir. Don i;arle. <br />