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a~;i:Lau~l~a±,,~ or, '.L'Ira!] Itr;c>ul~:~l a:2';aa,rllac~ <br />OP tl.'II1~; V:CI,S,itG1ti COUP1C:Ch Ol? '.PifF; <br />VII:,LAG:L` OP LT'r2!;;li' CAl9~!iDA. <br /># X- ~ )c <br />'Phe regtrlar.• meeti_n.{; o£ the Councia. oi' she Village o=' Little Canada eras held ab <br />the Little Canada ;'i.-ce IIa7.1, q.q0 t±;. L:i'ttl.e Canada :!?oad, on 1)eceinber 12, :Ly67 a~t '7;30 <br />P>1!ii, 'Phe members were uresen~ts <br />Carl upoone.r., lvtayor; C;ral ter Coerien, Clerk; Joseph 'Hacl{e:c artd 1]dward <br />Loeffler, 'Trustees. <br />A.:1so present vrere; f. Idtemme-r, Villago Attorney; Louis Jespersen, <br />a3oad Supervisor; Oscar hond:in, a3ui:ldirtg Inspector; and ]3ichard Boss, 'i!reasuse:r. <br />1?rinutes of the I7oventber 1q., ].g62 nteeting• vrere read by the C:Le:rk, <br />Upon mol;ion ,',y :Backer, seconded by :Loeffler, it war, <br />"1?E'SO:Gt/L`1), tha.t tkte minutes o:f the .lQovembc:r 7.q., lg6?_ meeting <br />be approved as reported by the Clerk," <br />Ayes •• ¢ mays - 0 <br />'TYte .resolution. was adopted.. <br />tvSr.. Itrno7.d .(utderson, 3']1 Rose Lane, ,presented a petition to move a house into <br />Little Canada for the purpose of placing this house on the lot a.'t 703 lustralian <br />Avenue. 'i'he petition was signed by himself and by the people in the area o:f ?_03 <br />f~ustra].:ian Lioenue whose properties were close enough to be affected by airy improvements <br />on said lot. <br />Upon motion by Loeffler, seconded by Coenen, i.b was <br />"It15SOLVltll, ~bha:~t the Building Inspector be and is hereby ins~t:rucbed <br />to grant a permit to A.rno7.d A~~derson to move a house onto ~thc prope.r~ty <br />located at 703 .~tzst:ralian 1a.venue, and to issue the necessary buildii2g <br />pe:rm:i.ts 'tlierefo.r. pursuai~.t to proper api].icat:ion." <br />i~ges-q. Nays-0 <br />the .reso:l.ut:ion was adopted. <br />;~•tr. Gene Jespersen stated l;hab as :D:irector o.f the Citieizs .~?ec:reabi.on Camnittee <br />he was requesting that 'the Counci]. authorize payment of wages 'bo the supervisor. of the <br />skating r:i.rtl{ :in the amount of $,"s1.,75 per :hourr for each hour thtaa the supervisor. is on <br />duty. Ie stated that arraazgemertts have novr begirt made by the Comm:i.ttee, 'to have music <br />playing; at the skating r:inl{. <br />Upon motion by 'Hacker., seconded by Loeffler, i't was <br />"IiH;SO1,V7!]D, that the C:Lerl{ rand '1'x•easu_rer be and are hereby authorized <br />to pay to the superv:iso:r. of the skating rink remuneration in the <br />amount of $1.'Lj per hour L'or each hour he spends doing such work, <br />