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t7i1T1U'.C'h`c; 0']~' 'rlTk) RG;GUlii1R i;`,l?,i~".I'L);C <br />07? '1'11L V11;7;,4C1s' COl7A?C1L OF '.I'li"t; <br />V7LLA.Ul~) O~ L"ST'PLE C.'iN:~A <br />.~ -r.- <br />'1'he regular meeting of ~bhe Cour~.cil of the Village o:f Little Canada was held. at <br />tkie Little Canada Fire klaJ.1, q.q.0 L. Little Canada Road, on rl.pril f3, J.96q. at '/:30 <br />)?.<;i. 'i'he following Couxicil members were presen.ta <br />v`lalbe-r ~~', Coenen, Clerk, 1;4< Gene Jesper.•sen. and Joseph Coa.lova, '1'eustees, <br />t1b;;ent vrer.eo Carl ipoone-r., Ivtayor and. bld hoefile.r, '.i'rustee. <br />Also present were Oscar. Londin, ~3uilding Inspectorg i?icha.:e~d :Boss, `i'-reasurer.g <br />and ]:,. (>, Jespersen, Road Super.•visor. <br />Upon motion by Collova, seconded by Coenen, the m:tnube; of the :regular meeting <br />of ;,larch 11, 1964 were approved as read. <br />.!ayes - 3 Navy*s - 0 <br />l,'r, Jervin GiJ.bertson, 2665 J,akeshore Road, appeared before the Counc:i]. and <br />asked. that the Council contact the St. Paul llatex I)epartmerrt for the purpose oa' <br />authorizing tkie use of the waterworks :right of way betwoen :Little Canada }Toad anal <br />Centerville Road t.'vr use by the dilla,ge as a recreation area. The Council authorized <br />bh.e Clerk to proceed with bh.e :request. <br /> a letter :from Suburban Newspapers which vras placed on file. <br />Cl.e.rk presented a Municipal Court report with regard. to fines collected and <br />braff:ic tickets issued. 'i'bis report was placed o:n file. <br />`]'he C1e:r1c stated that tkiere have been compJ.aints about dolts. The Clerk read <br />a report which had been passed oub 'to bh.e citizens in 1960. `Phe Council agreed <br />bhat the Clerl~ should. prepare a similar report and. disbribute same to the citizens. <br />Clerk presented the Village Police Officer, ir~yers 1?rattalone, report> 'Phis <br />was received a:; presented. <br />lvlr, :~rnold 1in.derson, 371 Rose Lanc9 presented a proposed plat of property that <br />he vri-sties to develope. 'Phis property _i.s located I~;ast of the vraterworlcs right of <br />way and South of St. Jo1v1's Cemetary. 't'his plat was -referred to the Village <br />7;ng~ineer, <br />Donald Carley, engineer, gave a summary of the progress being made on. the <br />new zoning pro„ram. <br />Upon motion by Col7.ova, seconded by Coerren, it was <br />"RJSOLV'E'D, that vouchers No. 3478 through 3500 are hereby approved for. <br />pa;~ment. <br />3478 O;;car Londin ....................................~j 32.00 <br />3479 Oscar liond:i.n..,,,.>>.....> ...................>.. 33.00 <br />34.II0 Vern 1a'fontgoniery .........................<....... 21.00 <br />34(31 Vern Iviontgomer.....>.<.<,.o ...................... 1q.,00 <br />34II2 Municipal Court ....................>..>.,....... 16!{.,97 <br />