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05-12-64 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
05-12-64 Council Minutes
Entry Properties
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7/14/2009 12:52:22 PM
Creation date
8/7/2008 1:36:43 PM
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i'iiL1~zU':i':6iS Ole Tlias k7±1G'[Jh;:izt 1JiJii[;iPl??'G <br />Ol++' '.C'YJ:J; rIILi7AGl_; COUPI(:TL Ol' 'P'ill<I <br />~J:CLLlG7?, OP LS'.P'PI,:I+; Cittdls7)~ <br />x- ~ ~- <br />`.Phe regular of the Couno:i:l of the 9i11age of :Libble Cemada was held at <br />the Litt:l.e Canada Fire halls 4q.0 1!1. Li't'tle Caaiada Roads orz :tJiay ~', 19b4 at ~c30 1'.Pdi. <br />'i'he 1.'o:Llova:Lng Council rneniuers _E~resexrbo /y <br />J <br />Carl Spooners ;layo:r9 'ita~7.ter 1'+'. Coen.ens Clerk; Pi. Gene Jesperseny Joseph Collo'va <br />and :[1;I Loeff7.ery `T'rustees. <br />Lalso present vrere L. G. Jesperseny toad Supervisor; and Fred Y. 1vIennner, <br />iri7_lage !lttorilcy. <br />Upon motion by Jesperseny seconded. by ;~poonery the m:Lnutes of the regular meeting <br />of x1pri7. f3, :l9bq. e~er:•e approved as .read. <br />lrlre;. l:iarion Grover' of 17.97 L'. hazel Streets St. Pauly vrho avans property at ;:lice <br />Street and lIighv°ray 36y Village of :Li_ttle Canaday asked vahe'the-r or not this property <br />is s~.ctually zoned co?runercial. She was advised that the zoning :i.s now in the process <br />o' completion ar?.d that somet:Lme in the latter _po:rt of Jwties or early Julys the <br />reso:l.ut:i.on.s and Council acbions ~^rould be completed and that her property is definitely <br />slated a:r?.d designated to be zoned cormne:rcia7.. <br />1'lr. L.d Petersony ?_550 Rice St:reety asked permission to build a new home. on his; <br />property at Starlt and County Road "C". 'Phis property :ts slightly less in area. than <br />that r•equi:red by the Vi.:Llage code. Upon recommendation by the 73uild:in{; Tn.spector.y <br />the Council approved 'the authorization of a permit for a single farnily dvrclling to <br />be erected on this loto <br />i;'ir. Virgil Tobiny <br />High~~vay Department will <br />an adjoing :Lot vriz_ickz is <br />onto 'the other 7_o t. <br />residing at L:d.getrton anii County ltoad_ ":D"y stated. thab tl.e <br />be taking some of his property for a nevr h:ighvray. l.e o:vns <br />70 feet by 550 feet and. he asked permission to move his house <br />'Upon motion by Col:I.ovay seconded by Loeffler y i t tva:s <br />"~3ElSOli?TP3)s 'that I'ir. 'Pobin be and :is heaaeby gra,naed permission to mo~o~c <br />his home .from ibs present locabion to the adjoing 7.ot." <br />!`fires-5 Nays-0 <br />'.Phe resolution e;as adopted. <br />The clerk read a 7.e'fte.r from a :resident of Noel concerning the new gara{;e <br />erected by i<'lr. liiostad. and asked that certain restrictions and cond:ition.s be imposed <br />u_oon, the use o:i the P;4os bad garage. £;ince these restrictions had been imposed at the <br />time the permit for building ~a+as authorized' the letter was p:Caced on file. <br />'T'he Clerlc read a 7.etter from the State :Eioard of kllectricity which asked far <br /><~743~90 for electrical inspection at the new 1{cllogg High School. ':Chis mai;ter was <br />tu-rn.ed over to 'the V9.llagc ilttorney for in.vestigati.on. <br />
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