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Upon motion by Loeffler, seconded by Collova, i~t eir~rs <br />"lili50LV1sD, that the On ;>a,le liquor, licenses of the Venetiair lnn,;;en's <br />]3ar, Gordies Place and 1)iolc and P:i`.aay's S3a:r 'he and a,rc hereby approved for <br />renevral for bhe year commencing July l9 190l.." <br />Ayes - 5 1~Tays - 0 <br />'1'h<, resolution was adopted. <br />T7pon motion ~by Collova, seconded. by Loeffler, it was <br />"i~~(t(:i0LVb1D, that the Off aa.le liquor 19.censes of the 7,ittle Liquors <br />and ktosern~irk Liouors be a.pprov'od for renewal for the year coimnencing July <br />1., ].964." <br />Byes - 5 l~days _ 0 <br />'i'hc resolution vvas adopted. <br />Upon motion by Collova,, seconded 'by Loeffler, it v,~as <br />"12L'.;O:I,VLD, ths~t Vouc'r_ers 1V'o• 350:1 throu„h i4o. 3533 with exception of <br />Voucher Pdo. 352.2, be anal are hereby auproved for payment. Poucher <br />llo. 35'l_2 made out to itat;e 13oa-rd. of L'lectricity in the arnouirt of <br />?4'743.90 i;; to be denied until amore detailed stc.tement is p-resented." <br />3501 Csxrl pooner....< ................••..........•..•..c,44'].00 <br />3502 ",'alter Coenen. =..•.•,..,..,.„ <,,,,•,.,. <br />"-0' !iorris Jespersen.,... <br />» > ,•....> .....................>. 35.00 <br />3504 Joe Collova.,..,• .................................. 35.00 <br />3505 )'sd Loeffler„ . .... , . • . .............. 32.90 <br />3506 '].'. 1:. <Schifslcy~R ~;ons,~Inc.........,.•,••.,,,,,,o„ q.6.35 <br />3507 luv,r•vsey County '1' rer.. , , ....... • . , ........ > • ..... 6.65 <br />350£3 ~taansey Covsi. ty 'Prezisur. er• .. , . , .. • • . ..... . . . ........1'75'7.6]- <br />> ~ t,.tincoln. Coocr•rti.on•• .,.,,....... 6.11 <br />3510 'reder:ick P. 1'?[emmer.• ................•..<,,..,.,,, 2%0.00 <br />357.1 l~.amsey Cowzty '1':resrw°er.....,•.........,.>....,... 13.33 <br />3512 "~ide.rren.:D. :Ba.ucr•.,..••,<.....,••.<,..•,..•.,.....,, 113.00 <br />3513 ]3amsey Cowzt;y~li'reasurer,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19"'>.54 <br />35].4 ?, Court..<..•.....,>•...........>•....,... 113.96 <br />3515 .~amsey County_{evievr•....>.,•,,,,,.,•,•,,,,,,,,••• 8.•00 <br />351.7 1„ G, Jos.person ................. •..>,.•....,...... 109.9£3 <br />351£3 ;diehard :Boss••...••<.•.• .................>•.~,..•. 55,00 <br />3519 L. G. Jesper:aen.<• ...................~.,•<<.•..•.. 10'%,00 <br />3520 ])ona].d J. Uaglze,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~ <br />..,...... •.....,... 5,2; <br />3521 a~ichard C• :3korie~~aski•......•..•>........,.,<...•• 35.00 <br />352'1_ k3 bate Board. o.f :Gleatricity (ki.ol.d~.,..,.,•..,,,,,,, _____ <br />>7~> lvo:r.~ther.7z S~bzates .lower,.....•.•.,,,, . <br />„ -~. ~ . .,.,......•... 23.33 <br />3524 i~iorthwestern ]3e11 :I'el.ophone Co...•....,,,..••.•.„ rj,l.•7_6 <br />3525 i.'J?.:i. ~~.,.... • • .... 12.12 <br />3526 Oscar .P. l:,on.din.>•,•„.,.,,,•,.,o,o„o„o„•,o„o, 33,00 <br />3727 1';i:i.m2. .i'ssoc. of Civil. :i)efense•.....,<,•.......,,,. 5.00 <br />352£3 ';da,lter P. Coenen ............... „o,,,•,•a„a••„o 400.00 <br />3529 1'unicip<=1 Courb. „ ....,.,,,,.•,,,,oo>.,,,,,,ooo,>, 106.00 <br />3530 Northern S~tat<,s 1'o~a~er Co.•.,••.,•.,•..,o.,.,....>, 2.00 <br />3531 Oscar 1,. }:,ondin,..•....•.,.,•<. „ o„ p,,,,o,•,aoo•, 27>00 <br />3532 irlye-rs 1~'rattalone........•......• „ .•,.,.,..„ .. <br />... 69.2% <br />-~ - <br />