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l,I]~T7`i':6:S Oi~' `!'llli. Sl?7s'C1Ah lgll]±;a:ildG <br />OI' TI1J' 'V'IL7~tiCi+7 COUJV'CIL OP lCi:1L <br />~~rTLLAG; OP h:L`.C'.i'LP CkN,9D~i. <br />x- -x -~ <br />'.Che speci.a]. meeting o:f bhe Coiu2c:il of 'the Vi].1age o.f Li.ttle Canada eras held at <br />the hibtle Canada :0'ire Na11, 4q.Q a;. Little Canada Road, on I~ugust 20, 1864 at 'j:30 :P.hf, <br />'1'he iollol^rinv Council members ~~rere preseirta <br />Carl Spooner, ,;ayorq Pla,lter Coenen, Clerk, Joseph Collova, and 1;4. Gene <br />Jespersen, 'Trustees. <br />F;.bsentc Ldvrard 7:,oeffler <br />`1'he Clerk notified tl'ie Council of tkre prirn~iry election which i.s to be held on <br />September B, lg6q.. IIe stated that he vrould be unable to be present at the voting <br />place during the day of election and he notified the Council that ire i.s <br />di:£ficul.ty in getting people to vrork at 'the election during -the day. <br />TTpon motion by Collova, seconded by Loeffler, it vras <br />"1?l+.;aOLV:L;7), that 11i. P,~~orelan be and is hereby appointed lleputy Clerk <br />for the primary election to be held September II, lg6q.." <br />Ayes - 4 ldays - 0 <br />`i'h.e resolution vras adopted. <br />IIpon motion by Loef.f].er, seconded by Collova, the folaovaing Judges o£ P)lection <br />vrere duly appointed to serve a,t bhe election of 3e_ptember fl, lg6q.: <br />NCerle ;4ore1an9 N~rs. F1. lIanson; 11Irs. :[+'. Spooner; <br />together. with the following three Republicans named by respective Chairman: <br />I`1r. PI. Horton; 1~4r. Joe Chelbeck and A'Lrs> Caroline, <br />vrith the understanding that the Council members themse:tves be available 'to fill <br />in as Judges or Clerks if needed. <br />Ayes - 4 Nays - 0 <br />'Upon motion by Loeffler., seconded by Collova, bhe meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.7i'l, <br />Attest: <br />',respectfully submiti,ed ~ <br />~ ~ // / <br />Clerk <br />1~.4ayor <br />