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ltlli\U`Pl?S Ob' iPl?CTAL idlli;P;1'1NG <br />Oi? '1';IE "V'IL:Gx1.GL COUi~TCI:i, O:r i'III~; <br />VT1;t~IvGP OP.' LI`P'.1'L:f CA:(Y.r1IlA <br />x -x T <br />'i'he special meetin.E o£ the Couxxcil of the Pillage of Little Canada was held a;t <br />the Little Canada :hire 13x7.1, 440 1;. Little Canada Road, on August 26, 1964 at '7:30 i'.Ivt. <br />The Following Council rnenibers were present> <br />Carl tipooner., 1'ilayor; lJalter Coenen, Clerk; Joseph Collova and T"i. Gene <br />Jespersen, ^lrus'tees. <br />Absente :Lldward :Loeffle.r, Trustee. <br />tllso present were George Gottwald £rorn the 'Vil:lage I~gineer's office, and <br />Pred P. 1'4ommer, ~iillage Attorney. <br />irir. .Archie 1)ucharme presented a proposed plat for subdividing• p-rope:rty <br />located. on the oath side of County i3oad 732 between :Edgerton and Arcade atreet. <br />I3e stated that he sold a lot as designated on this proposed plat, to 1.'ir.. Prank <br />, J:r., wh.ich was to be described by metes and bounds and since this property <br />would be reached from County i3oad B?_ by a privabe road, it vrould be necessary for <br />the Counc:i.l to authorize the issuance o£ a building permit. After some discussion <br />it vras agreed that the Council would pertn:it this construction providing the ovrners <br />sigxxed the usual agreement to waive objections to future street construction and <br />also to waive any .right to object to assessments. <br />['lpon motion by Collova, seconded by Jespersen, it; was <br />"f7+,SOLITI+JD, that a building pcrrnit 'be issued to ll4r. I3egner to construct <br />the house on property which vans being conveyed 'to him by Archie <br />Ducha:r.•rne, suuject to the execution of an agreement by i;4r. I3egner and <br />his wife, all right to require street service from the Village <br />and also vraiving the right 'to object 'i;o :Future improvement aa~d. assess- <br />ment therefor." <br />I~,yes - 4 Yiays - 0 <br />lCh.e resolut:i.on was adopted, <br />'tJ`~~on. motion by Jespersen, seconded by Col.].ova, bhe meeting adjo ed at ~s50 1'.,4. <br />Atteste <br />73espectfua.l.y submi te, <br />r) <br />Clerlt <br />mayor. <br />